
Who is in favour of the recent fare hike?

The fare hike is now a fact of life, a fait accompli. All the commuters are paying for it by as much as 40% more. And we heard about the restoring of a 3% subsidy. And everyone is happy. No one is protesting or complaining about it. Minister Lim Hwee Hua said the scheme will benefit the commuters in the long run. In the short run just pay more. Just pay first and wait for the benefits to kick in. Benefits for everyone? What about those that just pay more and no benefits? Yesterday the ST also came out in support of the fare hike. And the same note, pay first and let the scheme works. Works towards what? And is this the reason why no journalist or reporter dare to write an article about the scheme, whether the scheme is good or bad for the commuters, how the oldies/students are coping with it and how much more they have to pay? And is there anyone who thinks that this fare hike is unreasonable? Is there any MP going to ask question in Parliament about this? So far never heard of any MP saying that they disagree with this great fare hike. This must be another great scheme that is good for the people.


  1. Shocking News!!


  2. As I said before, our MPs attending Parliament are like church-goers attending Sunday service.

    They are there to praise God, not to find fault with God.

  3. Vote now @ http://sgjobs.blogspot.com/

  4. On 3 Jul I personally discovered a shocking error. I travelled 5 stations on mrt and the fare was 86c.
    I checked the next day and it was a ___, with no amount. Another day latter I checked again and it was stated as 53c.

  5. The MPs agreed to disagree and in gentlemanly fashion are letting the scheme work out and see what happens.

    This is what is going to happen. As with everything else, things will blow over and settle down and soon, we'll have forgotten this one because we'll be preoccupied with the next "increase" on something else.

    Hehe. Singaporeans have short memories for sure. How many famous crooks who were convicted felons in the past have we remembered? Betcha, you guys can't even remember five names!

  6. My advice to commuters is, you have to check the deductions. They are not always above board. I know for a fact that most people do not bother.

    I say this because, once travelling with my son (adult) on exactly the same bus, from same boarding and alighting stops, the fare can be different. That was not the only occasion that fares were deducted wrongly.

  7. Let stupid policies create and bring forth anarchies if that's what they wish.

    When people invoke the intervention of the divine, it's clear they are crying because they lost controls of their own live as got themselves turned to slaves.


  8. My apology folks:

    last Para of my comment should read 'as they got themselves turned to slaves'.

    And me likes to add that the people had blindly believed too much for too long.


  9. Hahaha,

    The people do not just blindly believed too much for too long. You must forgive them. They are perceived to be totally 'ignorant'.

    I hope that such 'ignorance' will come to pass, now that it has been pointed out to them.

    For the past 45 years Singaporeans did not know that they were just plain 'ignorant'.

  10. Those who cheated the people of their money will have to pay back later. This universal law is the fairest of them all.

  11. Just curious, should the govt be rooting for the commuters' interests or the interests of transport companies?

  12. In Singapore every 'public service sector' has been 'privatised', so they proclaimed, and the Government will therefore argue that this is a private matter and that they have no power to intervene. Behind the scene, of course, being the puppet master, they will surely root for the transport companies. They have so much vested interest, directly or indirectly.

    Well, Singaporeans will meekly accept that argument, being ignorant.

    But when they told the Thais and Indonesians that Temasek is a privatised entity, and that the Singapore Government is not involved in their business forays, no one believed them, not the Thais and not the Indonesians.

  13. I think it is easier to convince the ignorants.

  14. After reading much of the Threads and Comments in Cyberspace, me am now 100% in favour of the Fare Hikes.

    Now, we know how perverted many of our leaders are in their logics, they did not shoot their owns feet, they killed their very own integrities.


  15. Hi, my apology;

    shoot their (owns) feet should read shoot their own feet.

