
Fare reduction on public transport

Effective on 3 Jul 10, commuters could be paying lesser when taking public transport. This was the great news reported a few months back. On 3 Jul, many commuters wecrying foul, angry, that instead of paying less, they were paying more, some by as much as 50%. This scheme of fare cut was like robbing Peter to pay Paul. Commuters who have to switch services will pay a little lesser. This will be subsidised by those who need not change services and this group will have to pay much more. Actually it is like robbing grandpa and grandma, and school going children to pay for the savings of those that need to switch services. This is indeed a well thought out plan by our supertalents. Simply brilliant. Can't be better.


  1. Regarding Distance Fares,45 people have voted @ http://sgjobs.blogspot.com/

  2. Brilliant brains are certainly excellent in schemings!


  3. 2 of my kids in secondary school had 20+ cents increase in transport cost, which means 4.00 per month, about 50.00 per year.
    Means 50.00 per student per year.

    How many students taking public transport > 7 km, if 10 percent, means 50 000, and multiply by 50, will mean 2.5 million dollars from students that has to travel out of their home town to go to school.

    Its like collective milking of the parents of school going kids... each may not feel the pinch, but add together, its liking stealing.

    If its Robinhood, but I suspect.

  4. Singaporeans used to take it likely when people talk about only 1 plate of char kway teow. If every joker wants to be paid in the multi millions, it must come from somewhere. That somewhere is you and me.

    With this increase or decrease in fares, they can give themselves a few more millions in pay checks.

  5. Walau, tweaking public transport and satellite tracking for ERP. What's next? Next time the NEA may charge you $1 for farting because since we pollute the air, someone must pay for killing the environment.


    Redbean, that picture and it's caption is spot on. I don't see any 20 to 25 year old "newly minted" PRC or Indian citizens amongst our true blue Singaporean boys. Guess these parasites are spending their time scheming and boasting about how much they are digging out of this country to repatriate back to their villages back home.

  6. Wally;

    what a co-incidence that You mentioned picture. Me takes this opportunity to thank Mr Redbean for obliging me for removing the Tanks from the Head of this Site. Although they(tanks) have yet to crush anyone yet, they caused uneasiness in me.

    The New Picture and its' caption is much better. It should make concripts question themselves to some pertinent issues involved. One would be; is SIN better with a professional defence force as it is equipped with high tech war wares and supertalents? Why waste the precious time and live of our young males?

    Who are You protecting?

    And the most Important Question is:

    Are You prepared to confront your families, friends and fellow countrymen, when mobilized to do so?

    The chances of NS Men getting such an order are higher than going to combat with foreign enemies. And it had been explicitly said, the Army could/would be activated if there is freak result in election.

    My only son had completed his National Service not long ago and is at present an active reservist. He has said to me in no uncertain terms that it is his duty to serve the country. He was happy doing his NS and is eager each time he was/is called up for reservist trainnings.

    Me too had told him that if there is ever a day that me and fellow countrmen have to confront the SIN Army with him pointing his arm at us, me will have no hesitation, he sighed. And me am happy the message has been sent.

    I have also assured him that me will fight the enemies beside him when the enemies are aliens, no matter how old i am.


  7. Patriot, you are haunte by the nightmares at Tiananmen Square. Pray nothing of that sort will happen here. Citizen soldiers facing citizens is heartbreaking.

    We need wisdom and not selfishness to allow such a thing to happen.

  8. Hehe Patriot,

    You are not saying that you will go for your son if he points his arms at you?

    For me, I will ask my boys, "who is your father huh?"

    Same sentiment here. I will stand with my sons to fight enemy invaders although I am more comfortable with a keyboard than wielding arms. I may be old but can still fight at close quarters with the limited Wing Chun I picked up from Ip Man prequel, I and II.

    This is our beloved country. We have no China or India to go back to.

  9. The Ip Man series are very watchable. I have seen I and II but not the prequel. You need to be very nimble and fast to fight wing chun.

  10. Haha,
    just my luck la, having a son like Yue Fei, a mother and a wife like his mother.

    See, when we got married, my spouse said to me 'Dear, remember when we have kids, talk to them in English; I am Chinese educated You know ah! Before that, my mother told and insisted me be sent to an English Medium School.

    Then came an election and me asked my mother which symbol(of political parties) will she crossed and instantly she said 'the lightning la', what else! A day before Voting Day, my spouse reminded me gently; 'vote PAP', remember that I am a public servant ah'.

    Until now, those 'fu ren zi qian' literally views of a maiden, haunt me. The ladyfolks are indeed hard to understand. Other than the graduate mother rejecting freebies and very self confident, the average lady is blindly faithful.

    Congratulate me ah! For having all the loyalists.


  11. The govt needs to award you with a public service star.

  12. Walau Patriot
    I try to stay away and not to kaypo as advise by my fortune teller but becos of you,I have to appear again.
    Congratulation and best wishes to you for producing loyalist.

  13. With this unreasonable and obnoxious fare hike, would there be any question asked in parliament?

    Would there be any worthy journalist writing about this BIG fare hike and not calling it a fare reduction?

  14. Grandpa, grandma and the school kids do not contribute to the economy, so must make them pay more. This is MIW money logic.

  15. I don't think Low or Chiam will be able to ask questions on this without hard facts and statistics, which I do not think the PTC themselves are able to ascertain. It's all guesswork, the two thirds gaining and one third losing argument.

    Confusing the public is now the order of the day for this Government. The more complicated the scheme, the easier it is for them to pull wool over people's eyes.

  16. One way I can do, or anyone can do, is to conduct interviews directly with the commuters at the mrt stations.

    Then selectively choose what one wishes to tell. If I want to tell a story that many commuters are paying lesser, I will only report those comments, or vice versa. My report will be factual and objective...selectively.

  17. Aiyah. Nationalise the transport lah. Tax tourists to pay for the bus!

  18. It was state owned, or was it? Only privatisation can these organisations be run efficiently and profitably.

  19. privatisation?..like SPH who give us fake competition like 2 chinese dailies with shared stories & a ZaoBao meant for PRCs...KNS (sorry for my swearing so early in the morning)

  20. What's privatisation?

    And what's the implication?


  21. 'What's privatisation?

    They privatised many essential services, but they never relinquish control. Think of private hospitals, telecommunications and our public transport as examples. They still set the criteria to ensure profitability.

  22. And the implications are you die your business, pay up or get no service or worse, get notices before summoning you to court.
    Beware, beware and beware who you are dealing with.

  23. Dear Wally;

    You posted me a serious question and me had to think this long to reply. You see; facing my own son or any other of my children makes me torn between justice and kinsmanship.

    To have to love my son and be at his side to fight freedom fighters fighting for justice, is a very very tough poser. Me like to take this opportunity to have the views of readers. And do be generous Sirs and Madammes.

    Mr Agongkia;

    though Yue Fei is respected for his patriotism historically, he failed to be deified or reverred. Me suspects that the reason he failed to make the grade was/is because of his BLIND LOYALTY AND PARTIALLY TO HIS MASTER. He was torned between loyalty and filial piety, the typical 'zhong siao liang nan' difficile, caught between loyalty(to the Ruler) and filial piety(to parents/elders). Me would have no problem in his position as i would have chosen the Country over the Ruler.

    Thank You for the complement, though me had wished and is wishing sensibility prevails over blind loyalty and sacrifices.

    Once more, me wish that your kind views and opinions are forthcoming to my request.


  24. Aiyah Patriot,

    No need to crack your head over this very hypothetical scenario lah. It will never ever happen in Singapore, thank God.

    Our soldiers only train whole year to give good show at National Day parade lah. Everyone wear red and white and eat popcorn and wait for de Presidente to alight from his gleaming white Merz. God, I like that car! After that, adjourn to MBS or RWS for a game or two and then at night go clubbing.

    Singaporeans are the most governable citizenry on Earth. Where got such drama? Everyone just sit down at kopi tiam and talk lah. After that go GSS shopping and everything is forgotten.

  25. Wally:

    your last response worries me more.

    The damn problem lies with Singaporeans obeying blindly(easy to govern). And it it the Armed(legally) Personnels that are most prone and easiesssst to manipulate.
    Must say though, as time goes, many will know better.

    No response to my request for my own survey, very sad. Never mind, tell You my answer to your question if You have not already got it. Me will go up to him, not just to tell him i am his father, but to give him a tight slap.

    Just for fun; sometimes father not so great leh, my baptised daughter told me she has a greater father, than me, the biological one, that she prays to. She's filial and good girl though. Luckily she don't have to pray to me, otherwise it would mean me had turned dusts and ashes.


  26. Haha,

    You're de goodest, and betterer father.

    My four sons too busy making money to even think about who their farther is! Biological or heavenly. They only know it's me when I send them the monthly nag spam email to say the food and happy hour allowance is due. Ah the wonder of the internet and mobile SMS!


  27. Hehe

    Wally, as a member of the Buffet lineage, do you really need the allowances from you kids? I am baffled!

  28. I don't care if my lineage is Buffet or Soros. They still have to Pay and Pay!


  29. Yefei was not torn between blind loyalty and filial piety. It was blind loyalty plus idiocy. He needed to be charged for treason for leaving his post to obey an order which he knew was false and dangerous to the security of the country.

    Because of his stupidity, the Sung Dynasty fell to the Mongols. Old history books glorified this idiot by judging him using old and silly values of blind loyalty.

    I hope we don't train our soldiers to think and behave like Yefei. Sorry, think is not appropriate as Yefei did not think or refused to think. He was not a thinking soldier when obeying orders were concerned.

  30. Oh, the bus driver that refused to stop when the girl was beaten up was behaving like Yefei. Taking orders, no need to think.

  31. But thinking CEOs and Parliamentarians did not prevent the many incidents, vandalisms, escapes of vandals and wanted and imprisoned convict and losses of monies(in investments by stateowned co and tcs). And bus driver duty to drive safely only mah. Minister of health no duty to make sure everybody no sick right. The people must behave themself and n ot make trouble right.why must one man responsible for other man?

  32. Yefei could had blindly adhered to the four words{qing zong poa kuo} crafted on his back by his mother. As an army commander, he should be a intelligent and talented bean. Why he was loyal to his king instead of the state(kuo) is not easy to understand. Singaporeans are behaving like him. Blind and foolish.
