
Yes we are world champion!

The WTTF victory has generated many discussions in the media and cyberspace, including mysingaporenews. The main argument centres on foreign talents versus local talents. Let me take the issue a little further by asking why are we doing this? What are we trying to achieve and for what? Is the glory of being world champion something so important to us that we should devote so much energy and resources to recruit foreign talents to make us feel good? Is it about national pride or is there an economic angle to it? Or would someone say it is about nation building, or a way to motivate our future champions? In Europe, particularly in football, buying foreign talents is a big thing and big money. It is big business, a big industry that generates economic activities and income, jobs etc etc. It is a business that extends beyond national boundaries. We too are spending hundreds of millions to watch football. The bottom line is big profits. I think we are very far from that in table tennis. It is still a national cost, a big hole where money is being poured into it when it could be used better in other areas. Maybe we have too much money and this small sum is insignificant and we can do without. Even in football, when players are bought and sold like assets, when it comes to the World Cup, the players, or most of them, will return home to play for their national teams. Not many national teams would want to field non nationals or newly bought nationals to don their colours to win football glory. It is unthinkable for Brazil, Ivory Coast, India, Japan, Korea or even Malaysia, to flirt with buying foreign footballers to win the championship. Table tennis is exceptional because many countries are doing it, from the US, Europe, across Asia to Oceania, the Chinese are exporting their table tennis players to these countries who are willing to pay for them. To the Chinese, it is an economic activity, and also they have an abundance of talents. Any difference between football and table tennis? In football, it is the commercially run football leagues that are trading talents. In table tennis, what league, representing who? What are we in for? Why are we importing foreign talents in sports for?


  1. Buyin glories?

    No, wasting money!

  2. In this case, it is not about economic gains. Plain as the day, we did it just for the EGO trip.

    But those who thought of this hare brain ambition to put Singapore on the table tennis world league should ask themselves one question:

    "Who the f#@K are we trying to kid?"

  3. No point arguing until the cow comes home....they are DEAF to all criticisms

  4. Come next year, then what?

    A true champion, like Brazil, always maintain its consistency. They are still good, whether they are number 1 or not.

    A flash in the pan champion is different. Let us wait and see. China, like Brazil, will always be there to reclaim the crown they just lend to us.

  5. Table tennis talents bought from China are assets for Singapore. These talents Tiffany, Ivy and Joy will bring glory to the Singapore, for now anyway. However, things might change and they could easily return to their homeland, just like the one who married a businessman from China. The important thing is whether these talents are in Singapore for the good of Singapore or they are there because the grass is greener in Singapore at present. When and if the grass becomes greener in China or anywhere else for that matter, will they just pack up and leave Singapore. My guess is, they will. I think it is better for the Singapore govt to devote more resources to growing local talents.

  6. No comment on this buying of foreign sport talents but this article reminded me of a Taiwanese talent Wu(GOH) whom I remembered has decided to stay in Taiwan instead of selling himself here.
    Anyone know the latest.

  7. Yeah, they will go home alright. After collecting the rewards it is probably bye-bye suckers!

  8. Sigh...had MBT got his way, we could become 2010 World Cup Champion

  9. Singapore needs whatever talents that money can buy. Good for the country and good for the Singapore image. If home grown Singaporean table tennis players are not available I see no harm in purchasing talents from elsewhere.

  10. Fret not, today we buy foreign talents.

    One day foreigners will buy Singapore and they will make the locals richer too.

  11. We need foreign talents. But do we need table tennis players or whatever sports talents? Are they contributing to the economy or taking away?

    The medals or trophies are not things that we need to pay dearly with. These are hobbies, for fun, for the ego.
