
SMRT graffiti

I must say that the graffiti was very well done. SMRT would have to pay a lot for it if it were to commission an artist to do it. And I think SMRT quietly told itself that they didn't mind and let the train go around the island with the graffiti on it. But a crime is a crime. Vandalism is vandalism. The culprits must be charged in court and sentenced to 2 weeks jail. They shall serve their jail terms in SMRT depots and made to paint more graffiti officially with SMRT's consent this time. And SMRT can pay that a token of appreciation for a job well done. Put the blame on the Olympic spirit of good sportsmanship since the YOG is in town.


  1. Another FT?

    You must now understand what the Government mean when they say FTs can help create jobs for Singaporeans.

    One such incident and they need to employ more law enforcement officers, more security personnels to guard the depots, more work for those in the security business to devise better systems to deter intruders etc.

    Or is this a stunt to galvanise Singaporeans for the coming election.

    And island of infinite possibilities!

  2. The beauty of the graffitis are stunning as seen from the television footage. The Artist(s) must have spent many dollars and much time to do the Arts clandestinely.

    Agreed, unauthorised entry into the protected/private premise and doing arts without permission contravened the Laws. Whoever did it Should be duly charged. However, as the Graffitis are nicely done and if there is little damage to the train(s). Do hope that the Artist(s) will not be too heavily penalized.


  3. But why do it inside a protected place to flout the law?

    Pantat gatal!

  4. Compare this to that of our local talent :)


  5. No one has the right to use another's property without the expressed consent of the property owner.

    The graffiti artists were wrong in doing this. They deserve the consequences of the law.

    "They are good at their art" is no argument at all. I could be good at cooking -- but that doesn't give me the right to break into your home and cook you a fabulous meal without your invitation or consent.

  6. He is going to get the rod for sure. Michael Fay had it for vandalism against private property. This is definitely more serious.

    It will be interesting to see how the US will react if no caning is meted out. On the other hand, it will be interesting to see what the Swiss will react, with caning imposed.

    Georgie is going to loose more hair.

  7. Laugh not.We should learnt a lesson from here instead.We can have many so claim specialist and expert in security and terrorism and spent million of dollars but we can still neglect such a loop hole.

    I do pass the scene often and my six sense had told me of the possibility of such intrusion one day.As I may be considered a nobody on this sensitive issue,and so as not to undermine our security effort,I only pray everything is fine.It is fortunate that this is only a case of vandalism and not anything else or else I will be guilty to myself of not highlighting my concern.

    I have a reason to believe that I am a good for nothing but a born talent in nothing else but in sookoority ,hoping to meet someone trustworthy one day to discuss my some other security concern .

  8. sorry ,earlier posting at 9.46 pm is me ,agongkia

  9. But Matilah Singapura
    I agree but the difference is because of the thrill.
    Going into someone's shop and taking away property without paying is wrong but kleptomania do it not because they do not know its wrong but because of the thrill.

  10. But then the thrill is going to cost, not just a fine, but also a busted buttock!

    I doubt he will find it worthwhile for the thrill.

  11. anon.250
    Agree.Hopefully its a simple case of someone looking for thrill or someone placing million dollar of bet on the possibilty of intrusion and not someone here to test or insult our security effort .
    A fine of few thousand dollars to him is worthwhile if he won a million dollars bet for being able to spent such a duration in the area and complete his drawing.
    And not to forget,having a busted buttock is also a thrill,not everyone can have one..


  12. Hahaha, the busted buttock must be a thrill in itself.

    How many can claim to have tasted that kind of a thrill.

  13. The Consolations for the Two Foreign Talents will be; have made themselves more well known in SIN before returning to their own countries. They may become celebrities when they return to their homelands.

    Name(face value/fame/repute and infamy included) and to be remembered as memory is very sought after by many nowadays.


  14. I disagree with the law of mandatory execution of drug traffickers. I also disagree with the laws relating to freedom of expression and assembly. Whether or not I agree or disagree is not the point. The point is that the laws are VERY CLEAR – there is no excuse for ignorance or “misinterpretation”.

    The laws for vandalism are also very clear. You get caught, you get punished. Don’t like the time? Then don’t do the crime!
