
Prompt, credible and impartial investigation

Hilary Clinton said that the US had agreed to a prompt, credible and impartial investigation on the Israeli attack on Aid Ship heading to Gaza. This is her response to the UN's call for an investigation. I am wondering why the UN did not call for a prompt, credible and impartial investigation. And I am wondering why the US, UK and the South Koreans went ahead on a partial investigation without any independent party involved. What is the difference between the type of investigation conducted by the US, UK and South Koreans and a prompt, credible and impartial investigation? Was it prompt, was it credible, was it impartial?


  1. That freedom flotilla and it's passengers and cargo are not what it seems.

    Don't be fooled.

    The terrorists have found a new weapon against Israel.

    Galvanise the world's misguided sympathy with staged mercy missions which, as planned, will invite Israeli interception.

    What a ruse and a coup. But not everyone in this world is fooled.

  2. Same same lah!

    When the US wanted to invade Iraq, they also galvanise the world's misguided sympathy with fabricated claims of Iraq's possession of WMD.

    In that case, the whole world was fooled. But now the world does not believe everything the US put up. You can't fool everybody all the time.

  3. I agree with you on two things. One, get Don King to arrange for a fight and get Hollywood to film it. And two, that little girl is looking more dangerous than Bush.

    Forgive her, for she knows not what she is doing.

  4. Me am in full concurrence with Redbean that the Old Lady(Hilary Clinton) knows not what she's doing.

    Liked what Wally said; she's just coveting for the Presidency.


  5. Old Lady playing with 'madman' is unwise.

    Coercing a powerful neutral China to take side with her(Hilary) is just plain foolishness.

    To covet for the Presidency at her age, she probably gets only the votes from the old folks. Americans are superficial, they appreciate beauty and youth, they do.

