
Kim Jong Il is a madman, also a genius

Kim Jong Il is a madman that runs a very poor country for more than 50 years from the time of his father. And the North Koreans are still not starved to death and could build nuclear weapons and maintain an army that could over run the south with the word go. And the status quo is only maintained with the presence of American troops and backed up by Japanese pledge to join in to defend the South. Could a mad man and a very poor country really to that? Oh he is also a genius. And there was ‘a thorough investigation showing that the North Koreans are responsible,’ for the sinking of a South Korean corvette Cheonan. This is the most concrete evidence so far. Beyond any reasonable doubt. And Kim Jong Il did this just to attract world attention to feed his ‘dangerous personality disorder – “malignant narcissism” …which involves “extreme grandiosity and self absorption”. Isn’t this what George Bush was suffering from? Ok, Ok, I did not make this up. The above information can be found in William Choong’s article in the ST yesterday. He is a senior writer. I am wondering why he is so sure that the information was true and factual. How did he know, or those people who have no contacts with Kim, know that he is mad, and also a genius? Did they diagnose him or treat him? And I also wonder why William Choong is so sure that the evidence on the sinking of Cheonan is not fabricated but the whole truth and nothing but the truth. The Americans and South Koreans said so? There is another page on mypaper today showing satellite photos purportedly of the palace of Kim Jong Il and proclaiming that this is a man who lives a lavished lifestyle. Looking at the images, the size of it was nothing compare to the football stars or Michael Jackson's estate or much bigger than any residence of heads of states. The question is that why are we so obsessed with North Korea and so happy to read unsavoury news about that country? Do we have an axe to grind, do we have an agenda, are we anti North Koreans? Or are we just being fed by the western media to attack the North Koreans without knowing it? The West have an interest to paint the North Koreans as black and bad as they can to justify their political interests. Do we have such an interest?


  1. They're "shocked" that his residence got swimming pool...WTF!

  2. Kim Jong Il is insane.

    Those that are afraid of Him are pure and saints without the slightest taint.

    Bush (ex American President) sleeps with the bible under his head and poison in his heart. And he fabricated accusations with gut but without evidence and conscience.

    Kim Jong Il is just great in that he alone can scared the shits out of some of the Worlds' so-called strongest men.

    My Salute! Comrade.


  3. Very buzy today but will just say this too:

    Mightly Kim is da MAN.

    My idol and my Hero.

  4. His face should be on the cover of Times and Newsweek as Man of the Year. The Americans have been trying every tricks they know to get rid of him but failed.

    If he is mad and useless, then the really mad people must be the North Koreans for not revolting against him, and still called him Dear Leader.

    What so extravagance or lavish about his lifestyle? Any average Singaporean dresses better than him and drink more red wine than him.

    His palace extravagant, can't even compare with our Istana. Look at the palaces of Asean leaders and the rich in the Middle East or even in Malaysia.

    Asians only like to be fed and believe what the West said. The West will set the agenda for us, what to believe, who is the good guy and who is the bad idea. We are the unthinking Asians.

  5. He may be smart, mad or what ever, but to leave his citizen in their present state and enjoy his life like that, sorry I have no respect for him.

  6. The impression of North Korea is a poverty striken state where the people are all starving, maybe walking around with torn and tattered clothes and without shoes.

    The infamous pictures in the news when needed to be shown, are the same few pictures if one is to keep track, that are shown over and over again, of a few sick children probably in a nursery. And the world believe that this is a country of poverty striken children.

    But take a closer look at childre. No, they are not skin and bones like countries that are really poor. They were rosy cheeks, well clothed, and looking very well fed. These were not hungry and underfed children we they were made up to be.

    There were food aids. Why not when countries are willing to give them. There are some facts that cannot be missed. Look at their mass demonstrations and parades and how the people are clothed, including the soldiers. They are dressed as good as the South Koreans. Relatively they may not be as rich as the South, but they are not in deprived state that the West is telling the world.

    Look at uncensored pictures taken off the streets of North Korea by travellers, see if they are well clothed and well fed, or thin and skinny, torned and tattered?

    Anyone here can take a few pictures of old men or women picking from the dustbins and show it on TV, then claims Singapore is infested with poor beggars and downtrodden people living off the dustbins.

    We need to find our own truth and not depend on fabricated and distorted truths presented by people with a different agenda. I have always scrutinised the pictures on North Korea on TV, esp CNA. The only poverty pictures were those few kids, in contrast to the well fed and well clothed Koreans shown in different places over time.

    And the accusation that Kim was an extravagant wine drinker was a photo showing him toasting with other foreign visitors. Is that evidence of his craving for good wines?

    The Americans have an agenda to distort the truths about North Korea.

  7. Kim Jong a madman ? He can't even hold a candle to old fart who lose hundred of billions under his kangaroo rule and still get away 101% , and citizens to bear 100% of his follies. If old fart the madman is not genius, there won't be madman.

  8. The man is a true genius, a master tactician, who is able to manipulate the West with his eccentric behaviour.

    Even lunatics like Bush and Cheney are no match for him, honestly. He sort of, just makes them run around in circles.

  9. "Anyone here can take a few pictures of old men or women picking from the dustbins and show it on TV, then claims Singapore is infested with poor beggars and downtrodden people living off the dustbins"; unquote.

    I like to say SIN is infested with CONMEN and SWEET TALKERS. Please listen and or read what the PRIME MINISTER OF SIN told the students yesterday, in the Medias. Was/is his Cabinet Members and himself doing what he told the Students to practise??????


  10. "Anyone here can take a few pictures of old men or women picking from the dustbins and show it on TV, then claims Singapore is infested with poor beggars and downtrodden people living off the dustbins"; unquote.

    I like to say SIN is infested with CONMEN and SWEET TALKERS. Please listen and or read what the PRIME MINISTER OF SIN told the students yesterday, in the Medias. Was/is his Cabinet Members and himself doing what he told the Students to practise??????


  11. As long as KJI doesn’t threaten the security of other country’s – and the threat must be REAL – not some conspiracy misinformation put out by govts of the west and it’s allies like S Korea and Japan.

    KJI is a dictator, no question. Actually he’s only a secretary – his dead father is still the president—sorry to belabor a small but nonetheless important point. KJI likes to masturbate to porn. He loves hookers, and has a huge movie collection. One in awhile he goes nuts and “wayangs” for the world… and the US, UN, Japan and S Korea lose their minds and go crazy.

    I say leave the mad cunt alone. I doubt he’ll initiate a war. The world is jittery and waiting for this guys to step over the line: Japan and S Korea can’t wait to nuke Pyongyang, and neither can the yanks, or perhaps the rest of S and SE Asia. Asian govts don’t have any balls – they don’t like N Korea because any “wayang” from KJI hammers Asian markets and their economies. But the balls-less Asian govt rather get the US to do their dirty work for them.

    Politics is wonderfully entertaining : )

  12. Calling Kim a mad man is an insult to the North Koreans and to the readers' intellect. This man is no Idi Amin or Pol Pot. Even Chok Tong has made positive remarks about it.

    The image is tacked onto him by the West. Only fools will believe this hook, line and sinker. As for his personal lifestyle, who knows? Who have live with him and play marbles with him to know how many marbles he got?

    Oh, read the info from western experts. They could even diagnose him to be suffering from megalomania without speaking to him or touching him, or knowing him.

    Matilah, how do you know he got a collection of porns? You passed it to him? Your buddy huh: )

  13. Birds of a feather?

  14. redbean,

    KJI's love of porn is well known. But so what? Billions of "ordinary" people love porn too -- but few admit it openly. In fact, porn is as old as humanity itself. Let's face it, if our parents weren't horny, none of us would be here :)

    KJI is also reknowned for his "playboy" lifestyle.

    The western media is as usual full of shit. If anyone else was given the power of KJI, they would probably use it the same way. In North Korea, he is "Da Man" -- there is no transparency, open political process or accountability -- he can do whatever the fuck he wants because he has all the power.

    So to me, KJI is just doing what anyone else in his position would do. Absolute power --- that is the point. Not whether someone is "moral" or not.
