
The Apple is rotten

Have no doubts about it, the Apple is rotten to the core. The superficial skin deep good look cannot hold out for long. The subprime crisis, the toxic notes, CDOs/CDS, the heavenly pay out to the bankers and finance crooks, to the lawyers, the high debt of living on borrowed money, and the whole financial system, are rotten deep inside. The stock market and the financial system need an immediate overhaul. What happened yesterday is not going to go away. It is saying it will come back again and again. The super computers and programme assisted tradings shall rule again. They are the best inventions, together with derivatives for the stock markets. Any silly country that still salivating on how great the American and western system is needs to have a reality check. To continue to ape the Americans in their wayward and irresponsible ways is a sure road to the abyss of financial destruction. What I am saying is pure bullshit. The American system is the best system to be incorporated to all the countries around the world. Then we can have everyone being as rich as the Americans and spending like the Americans. The world needs to support the Big Apple and make sure it remains pretty looking.


  1. The only reform needed is for the govt to get out of the market.

  2. Disagree. The only reform is for the whole world to follow the American system, the American Dream. Go on spending, with tomorrow's money.

    We will have the greatest economic boom in the history of mankind, and the great bust to follow.

  3. Me agrees with both above two posters.

    The people should spend and spend and the liked the American Government; all governments should print and print more money.

    Everybody gains, any problem let the future generations solve.


  4. We really do not have have to agree about agreeing.

    Human greed will make it certain that the American system will prevail.

    Long live America.

    Hooray for the American dream!

  5. No one can "spend their way to prosperity" lah -- no matter how much fake money you print or how much you con stupid Asians to lend.

    Actually, I changed my mind: let the govt interfere more in the market. In that way cheapskates like me can profit from the enetual collapse and blood in the streets.

    Look how Greece has tried to "spend its way to prosperity"? Next to go -- watch it: Spain, Portugal, Italy, Ireland and I'm hoping and praying to ArrLarr -- the United Kingdom -- currently running a debt level of near 100% of GDP.

    Spend motherfuckers, keep spending. I want to come over and fuck your daughters cheap.

  6. What about Japan? Last I heard was their debt is more than their GDP!

    And they are still at it. Propping up the stock market using their billions.

    Wonder when this will end?

  7. Owe Money, Pay Money!!

    Ah, how the welfare states have been "Spending their way to prosperity".

    Doen't matter how much the "rescue" package is -- $1 trillion... at sometime it has to be paid back, even if the currency (Euro) is debased.

    Europe's Web of Debt
