
Learning from the great enlightening American experience

Goldman Sachs is being sued by the SEC for fraud, looting the innocent investors by manufacturing fraudulent scripts of papers and selling them as products. So it is now going to face the music. Wait a minute, who is Goldman Sachs? Oh it is an organisation, not an individual. So no one will be found guilty of any misdeeds. The organisation, an inanimate thing, will be found guilty and be made to pay for the losses or fine. This reminds me of the Lehman toxic notes fiasco. As usual, the inanimate thing will be found guilty. No one else is guilty. No one has done anything wrong, no decision made by anyone, it just happened. Oh, a few small guys or gals were made guilty, I think, in Hongkong. My goodness, the billions of dollars or trillions of dollars lost because of a systemic fraud created by a bunch of crooks and helped by an army of greedy accomplices across the world, and no one is at fault. This is something that we must learn from the Americans. Save and protect the individuals. Just put the blame on the organisation. And more frauds and lootings can be repeated in different forms and disguises. Kevin Scully, executive Chairman of NRA Capital said Obama's bank reform will put many banks under heavy scrutiny and regulation by the SEC and that the culprits of the fallout must be identified. But Kevin forgot that it was the SEC that needs to be placed under heavy scrutiny for allowing the looting to go on in the first place. They have been sleeping, yes sleeping with the crooks and looters all this while. And they pretend and act as if they have done no wrong and now waking up, standing up, to do the policing. What a bunch of crooks and their crooked deals.


  1. Hey wait a minute. When Lehman went down, it was a known fact that most other investment bankers were also caught with their hands deep in shit. Now, they are stewing up the GS swill pot again? Who stands to gain. Of course the short sellers of stocks and forex. Every sinister revelation is a money making opportunity. That's how the market works. The markets will not collapse because if past experience is anything to go by, the taxpayers will bail out the crooks and save face for governments. As usual, it's always the little guys who are left wondering in amazement what the fucks happened.

    Good work regulators. The timing was just perfect.


  2. Mr Wally:

    Good Morning!

    How i wish President Obama is reading My Singapore News.


  3. Hi Patriot,

    I'm back after recharging my batteries!


  4. Hi Wally, strange, I thought you went to discharge your battery? And funny, after discharging you feel like being recharged: )

  5. It wasn't a fair exchange.

    When you're a Buffet, that's how it works.


  6. Wally:

    Can feel that You're rejuvenated, do give more of your fire power.

    Without You and Matilah here, it's kind of just get quieter and without those few maams around...
    kind of too quiet....

    Btw, if the regular ladies are reading; what happen? The gentlemen
    here are not worth talking to?


  7. Ya, the ladies are neglecting us lately. We do miss them and their presence.

    Ladies, where are you?
