
It was fun and good for a laugh

Several PAP MPs spoke strongly against the principle behind NCMP and NMP. They ridiculed it as a backdoor entry to Parliament, elected by nobody, representing nobody and speaking for nobody. Basically they opposed the scheme. So did Low Thia Khiang and Sylvia Lim who opposed it for basically the same reasons. The inconsistency and contradictory stand of the opposition MPs were picked up by Kan Seng who questioned Low Thia Khiang on his inconsistent stand. Why opposing a scheme and still support it? Ya, how silly for people to oppose an issue on grounds of principle and support it still. Low Thia Khiang stood his ground and said he would resign if his party wants him to take up a NCMP position if he lost his election. And all the MPs had a good laugh. It was all fun, and wayang I supposed. Well at least Low Thai Khiang stood to his principle. This is something that is hard to come by. What about the NCMPs and NMPs who were lambasted for being backdoor entrants? The criticisms thrown at them were unkind and rude in many ways, lack of credibility and speaking for nobody except themselves. Did the NCMPs and NMPs stand up to defend their pathetic positions? Or did they allow the attacks to go on and accept that the criticisms were valid, that they don't really have any right or business to be there? Actually they were not the only ones to get in by the backdoor. Many got in in the same way and crowed like a cockerel that they were more equal than the NCMPs and NMPs. In reality they were there, by back door or front door, because of the system. It is the system that puts them there. And who voted for the system, the same cocks and hens who criticised the system. Is this also a joke or another wayang?


  1. At least we got some laughter didn't we....though at a high price

  2. Yes, yes, nothing like having a good laugh from, at, NCMPs and NMPs so we can forget momentarily the momentous problems faced by young Singaporeans on HDB prices (still maintained by MBT as "affordable"), competition for jobs from the deluge of trash showering on them from you know where.

    In days long past, I could remember the names of MPs, their service, their caliber and so forth. Nowadays, with so many of them for a little island like this, I couldn't recognize one nor remember his name if he stood next to me. They are as celebrated as the bunch of clowns at Caldecott Hill. Of course, the villians who make our lives miserable are immediately recognized half a mile away!


  3. Wally, why are you so unhappy with our creme de la creme? You should be thankful that they made you so rich, and making so much profit from your 3 rm flat.

  4. Redbean;

    dare i say Wally did not gain from the jokers deeds. It was purely Wallys' acumen and foresight.

    See; You and i are stucked here and unlike others, i am not staying here to fight. I am staying here because i am born here. What about You Sir?


  5. This is my country. And I am damn angry when things are not looking right, in my view.

    Every Singaporean should think and feel this way.

  6. Me belongs to the country, so i have no choice. Did my National Service, never liked it. Now find damn henpeck by my rulers, very angry but helpless.

    Feel like frog being boiled in the cauldron.

    What can we do???


  7. I am unhappy because I should have hold out for another 6 months before cashing out with $100K more on my 3 room. It's now going for $400K. It's crazy but who am I to say huh?

    Those jokers played a big part to ram up the prices with their euphoria but when guys like me lost out because we wrongly timed the market, we are very pissed off man.

  8. Patriot,

    Hi bro. Although I am a buffet, I don't have much of an acumen or foresight. Otherwise, I would be planning Singapore's third casino and have no time for posting little ditties on Mr. Bean's blog.


  9. Dear Wally;

    me envies You but no jealousy hah.

    Your versatility is admirable.

    I have always wanted to be a member of the beggar sect and yet i never succeeded and now too late. Me will be considered an outlaw if i actualize my wish.

    Buffets are different, the Leaders will sayang You kuat kuat.

