
Unappreciative and ungrateful Singaporeans

I read in some blogs and forums that Singaporeans are getting more angry with HDB inspite of the revelation that all the complaints about first time buyers not getting their flats were ridiculous. Mah Bow Tan has also quoted statistics, statistics, to prove the HDB case that the complaints were unjustified. And some were so angry to even call for voters to vote out the govt. So serious meh? Can't they see that Mah Bow Tan and the HDB were working their guts out to make sure that HDB flats are affordable and available to fit everyone's budget? There is an affordable flat somewhere for everyone. Just don't be choosy. Now which side of the story deserves more merits?


  1. I agree with MBT. Singaporean are too choosey and very unappreciative. If you cannot afford a 4 room flat then buy a 3 room flat. If you cannot afford a 1 room flat then buy a zero room flat. Never hanker for something you cannot afford. Live within your means. If you are still not satisfied with what MBT and his million $$$ minister have saceifice for you then just pack your bags and they will come to Changi airport to wave goodbye to you. They will even say "good riddance" to you. Join the quitters club overseas.

  2. I disagree with MBT. Always full of lies and excuses. HDB should be providing affordable public housing for the Singaporean.

    Nothing linked to choosiness, just a matter of why public housing prices are rising so fast, while wages are declining.

    Not everyone earning millions.

  3. as a joke i will agree with anonymous's suggestion for singaporeans who cannot afford public housing to pack up and queue up at changi and say goodbye to this island.

    seriously, i think mah bow tan has screwed up badly. the harder the stand he takes, the stronger will be the backlash. he still thinks that he and hdb can explain away the problem or that there is no problem.

    not wanting to know the truth.

  4. You get what you pay for and you get the govt you voted for. Stop bitching about affordability of HDB flats. Just remember this issue and many other issues of dissatisfaction the next time you put the cross on your ballot paper. Furthermore, do not worry about the identification number on your ballot paper. They are there only for count, not for identification.

  5. Curb the inflow of FTs and set a realistic target of our population and that will pacify the anxieties of Singaporean. The crux of the problem now is the worries of Singaporean on the way foreigners are driving up the housing prices in every segments of the property market. Very soon average Singaporean will be living in pigeon holes and struggling to catch up with the ever increasing cost of livings and worrying for their children's future.

  6. the price of hdb flats is determined by supply and demand. cut the supply and increase the demand and it will shoot to the sky.

  7. I would like to see the PAP thrown out simply because I'm CURIOUS t what would fill their shoes and how the country would look in 5-10 years under another government.

    Fuck, it would be fun to watch ;)

  8. The price of Public Housings is in the hands of the Government, full stop.

    HDB is not another realty or property company, it is mandated to build 'subsidized' housings for CITIZENS.


  9. Just a recommendation to those left with no roof over their heads.
    Get yourselves to live in Changi, Queenstown or even IMH Bungalows. Free lodging, food and medical cares with transport and armed guards to protect You to and fro from hospital some more.

