
The oldies are a treasure to an organisation!

Did anyone say this?When have oldies became a treasure to an organisation and must be duly rewarded? Sounded like the grandpas and grandmas are the treasures in a family. There is now a reawakening and a new call to be good to the oldies. No longer were they seen as retards, slow and useless piece of woods to be quickly discarded when they hit retirement age, at 55 or 60. Now people are seriously saying that the oldies must be paid according to their worth and contributions, not to cut their pay when they reached the magical age of senility. Is there a change of heart or a case of today I proclaim the oldies as bad, tomorrow as good, then I suka suka say they are bad again, good, bad....It was bearly 10 years ago when many oldies, or not even oldies, were given the red ticket to retire unceremoniously. Many were in their early 50s and many are still jobless or driving taxis despite their experience in managerial and executive positions. Can these premature sacking of the oldies be reversed, and these not really oldies but now oldies be invited into the workforce again? Or can they claim for some kind of compensation for the bad mistakes done to them in the past? Who was the wise kid who decided that these not so oldies should go? Who is the wise kid today to say the oldies must be treasured? My god, what kind of mindset change could happen so fast? The think tanks must be thinking too hard and go flipping about with such a major and serious issues. How could they not know that oldies are treasures, that oldies need to work till 80 or 90, but only today to realise this?


  1. Respect is earned, not just simply given blindly just because one is old, white, religious or famous... etc.

    Similarly merit is awarded according to the trader principle of value-for-value exchange -- not how "senior" a person is nor how "experienced" his tall, boring often-repeated tales allude to.

    Before people criticise those who (supposedly) treat "oldies" badly, it would be wise to consider the following:

    1. Who is doing the paying? If you're not reaching into your own pocket to pay these people, then shut the fuck up.

    2. How much time have you, (whoever is the critic) spent with old people -- not your fudder/mudder/grandfudder/granmudder ... but oldies who are strangers? Have you worked with them? Have you spent alot of time amongst oldies (strangers, not your relatives) in say a nursing home... smelling their shit and pee, observing the deterioration of their bodies and minds, and occasionally see a decrepit corpse bundled up in a bag and loaded into an unmarked hearse?

    If not, shut the fuck up, and go get the "direct experience".

    A human being has a whole lifetime to "get their shit together"... if they apply their mind -- as EVERYTHING -- depends on how 'correctly' one uses one's mind, which comes without a 'user manual'.

    Therefore by the time a person is say 60-70+ and if they are still able to work, they ought to be "happening". If they are not, you're observing a sad case who WASTED their life by not using their minds correctly. What you can learn from that is not "compassion"... any fool can have "compassion"... even pets have "compassion". What might be important (just my suggestion) would be to turn the spotlight on oneself and make sure one does not waste one's life, because before long, we ALL GET OLD, SICK and DIE.

    BTW if you go to most mine sites in Western Australia, you will notice many grey-haired workers. They are also very highly paid. These older folks have the right attitude and spirit to work in hard conditions, of course for good money... but the young ones are not so willing to give up their "social life in the city". So I would say in this particular case, the "oldies" WIN

  2. matilah - well said..

    the issue is urging emplorer not to cut salaries of worker going into 60s....prefectly correct stance by labour chief..

    Here is what is unacceptable.. reactive writing or bloggings. similar to a senseless bantering ..like a ship without its rudder .. it is an abuse of English using it liberally to project a false sense of intellect.

    When you read words below you decide if this blog deliberately confuses you viz this issue specific.

    you read and decide...

    Did Labour chief said all these below ?
    1.old folk our forgotten treasures.. did he uses the word treasures or is this invested to hyperventilate.
    2 re-awaking.. .. (implied they were sleeping) nail this judgemental remark ..
    3.useless piece of wood.. NO this blogger is the piece of wood.
    4. magical age of senility.. NO it is magical assumption to cloud the real issues.
    5. "change of heart" ...implied they flip flop ... to create impression of passed inconsistency .. were there? Prove it so we can hyperventilate alongside you. Cannot prove it..you waylay same as misleading.. making assumption and passing it off as reality.. creeping into liberally nonsense.
    6. driving taxi... helo labour chief say not to cut salaries, you try to confuse issues here with irrelevance remark .. .. if you care about that taxi driver reported -you ring up Vivian.. not some air-conditioned empty empathy.
    7. pre-mature sacking.. NO is called a premature machine gun on the loose. cocking and shooting english based on assumptions. you see there isnt any real contributions. just abusing use of words.
    8. compensation for bad mistakes done.. i can tell where my middle finger is but chose not to show it. The judge was lauging till he almost fell down the staircase..

    Labour Chief is correct to remind employer. period.

    Employers heard yu. Tmr they will fired them instead.. solve the problem once for all.

    you see this is not as compicating or as confusing as this blogger or bugger try to protray.

    It is sad English is used in this manner to project a false sense of intellect. Like a directless rubber it is going nowhere.

  3. Yeah, I also spotted 'directless rubber'. What is that??????

    You, you, what are you writing?

  4. Redbean Sir:

    Please do not suggest the Leaders to go one way in their policy makings, otherwise we are on one way to no return and will end up fast.

    It's good that U-turns be made so that we returned(home) for rests and family togetherness and not one way to nowhere.


  5. hi anonymous 2:12, thanks for the hint. i went back to the few posts and yes, the same fingerprints are everywhere. you are indeed very observant and spot on.

    with his identity uncovered, i bet he will change his style and use another nick to sign on the next time. i am watching any new nicks posting in the next few days. and he won't dare to use back the same nicks to prove that he is craving to read my posts and thus confirming that he is the bigger fool.

    btw patriot, i was only making some observations without taking any stand. neither do i make any assumptions. but that big fool made the assumption that i was referring to swee say. what a joke? i was actually referring to a letter by Rick Lim Say Kiong in the Today paper today. Rick said, '...senior workers are assets in any company...' i did not want to use exactly the same words, so i used treasures.

    i agree that that big fool is mentally sick and confused. he is obsessive!

  6. Wah seh, this guy's singlish beats Ris Low hands down man. Boomz boomz, awaking, awaking, directless rubber, cool man.

  7. i can see this guy is confused .. sick...

    This barber (yahoo riz trained) bugger blogger is human and needs acceptance. When counter, he goes into judgemental mode.. in order to gain some dinity and control, is to go on offensive.. this shows this barber blogger cannot accept counter-views..

    As you had championed this is free cyber space and be prepared for counter opinions for all views.

    i go back to " Who is doing the paying? If you're not reaching into your own pocket to pay these people, then shut the fuck up"

    get it barber blogger

  8. hi directless rubber, this post of yours is also copied. so don't bother to amend it. dinity, barber blogger...: ) there you go again.

    if you were here to attack my views, i will accept it. but you were attacking me personally, calling me a fool and every bloggers here are fools.

    what makes of you, coming here everyday? a bigger fool?

  9. below post is by directless rubber aka MacDonald Bloggers aka Kristine aka Empty Empathy aka Anonymous....he has since deleted the term 'directless rubber' from this post. but i have kept a copy of it.

    Empty Empathy.. said...
    matilah - well said..

    the issue is urging emplorer not to cut salaries of worker going into 60s....prefectly correct stance by labour chief..

    Here is what is unacceptable.. reactive writing or bloggings. similar to a senseless bantering ..like a ship without its rudder .. it is an abuse of English using it liberally to project a false sense of intellect.

    When you read words below you decide if this blog deliberately confuses you viz this issue specific.

    you read and decide...

    Did Labour chief said all these below ?
    1.old folk our forgotten treasures.. did he uses the word treasures or is this invested to hyperventilate.
    2 re-awaking.. .. (implied they were sleeping) nail this judgemental remark ..
    3.useless piece of wood.. NO this blogger is the piece of wood.
    4. magical age of senility.. NO it is magical assumption to cloud the real issues.
    5. "change of heart" ...implied they flip flop ... to create impression of passed inconsistency .. were there? Prove it so we can hyperventilate alongside you. Cannot prove it..you waylay same as misleading.. making assumption and passing it off as reality.. creeping into liberally nonsense.
    6. driving taxi... helo labour chief say not to cut salaries, you try to confuse issues here with irrelevance remark .. .. if you care about that taxi driver reported -you ring up Vivian.. not some air-conditioned empty empathy.
    7. pre-mature sacking.. NO is called a premature machine gun on the loose. cocking and shooting english based on assumptions. you see there isnt any real contributions. just abusing use of words.
    8. compensation for bad mistakes done.. i can tell where my middle finger is but chose not to show it. The judge was lauging till he almost fell down the staircase..

    Labour Chief is correct to remind employer. period.

    Employers heard yu. Tmr they will fired them instead.. solve the problem once for all.

    you see this is not as compicating or as confusing as this blogger or bugger try to protray.

    It is sad English is used in this manner to project a false sense of intellect. Like a directless rubber it is going nowhere.

    October 19, 2009 1:36 PM
