
As China celebrates its 60th National Day

The little slant eye pigtailed Chinaman, destined to work as a cook, a housekeeper or a laundryman, and by American laws(at one time) forbidden to do anything more worthy, has stood up. The 1.4b of little Chinamen have rebuilt their devastated country into an economic and military power second only to the USA. The years of suppression and humiliation failed to imprison these little Chinamen to a fate of doom and deprived of their basic human rights. And they did it all on their own, with very insignificant foreign talents to count on. They deserve to celebrate every bit of their new found wealth and confidence and status as equals among nations. No longer would they be trampled by little countries. No longer would another country try to colonise or cut their country up to be shared by the foreigners. It is good to see an Asian country standing up on their own feet. Next to do so will be India, another sleeping giant that is awakening.


  1. Happy National Day to the Peoples Republic of China !


  2. i was dumbfounded when i saw on the news that the Empire State building was decorated with a huge China flag at the top of the building, all around. the flag was lighted up in light bulbs, i think. unimaginable here or in the US.

  3. Is the empire state building not in the US ? Not here in SIN definitely if You are talkig about the Empire State Building.

    As for the Flag of PRC, it could fly high anywhere in the World including here. And more alien(to China) sovereigns will be flying the PRC Flag in time to come.

    Redbean Sir: You must have been purposely skipping those centre-spreaded Birthday Celebrations of the late President Kim Ill Sung every year in our local newsprints.

    Singapore now has China, Russia, Vietnam and not to forget the Nyanmar Junta as the greatest friends. The winds of changes.


  4. Could it be that the building was bought over by the Chinese?

  5. There is a high possibility that the Chinese has bought over the Empire State Building.

    Wonder the American will sell the Statue Of Liberty? The Chinese(of China) should be able to afford it.


  6. Next celebration will be Singapore after the next election. Singaporeans has been sleeping for almost 5 decades, time to wake them up.

  7. a good idea. we should buy the empire state building if it is already bought by china. we can outbid them. then on our national day we can plaster it with our singapore flag, lighted up at night, like the chinese flag.

  8. Mati Diri says,
    Got to be careful buying things american, buy the wrong ones and they could be turned into ground zero liked the twin towers.
