
Goodbye Mr Chip

I read a copy of Wall Street Journal's article on the departure of Chip Goodyear and the reason given by Temasek is "differences regarding certain strategic issues." Could this bungling be avoided from day one and not happen at all? The assets managed by Temasek and the interests and objectives are bound to straddle across strategic and highly sensitive area. How could these be screened away from a foreigner who is the CEO of the organisation? Could Goodyear be asking too much and wanting to know too much that the strain becomes unbearable? It is quite ridiculous to engage a foreigner to manage the strategic assets of a nation and believe that nothing sensitive will be divulged. Now, can we expect a kiss and tell autobiography or movie in the near future? The royalty fees is going to be quite substantial and irresistible.


  1. The best way not to wash dirty linens in public is still to keep them in the family closet.

    Lost Citizen

  2. He should go. The only one qualified to run Temasek to the ground in a masterful display of incompetance and arrogance in a special recipie —"secret" and protected from transparency is Ho Ching.

  3. "kiss and tell" will mean going to jail if he has signed a non-disclosure statement. Very likely he did.

  4. OSA, every breath he takes

  5. Goodbye Mr Chip.

  6. Chip Goodyear is not cheap after all. Perhaps he has been well compensated. Otherwise how can he willingly and gracefully step out of the out making a scene? Anyway, how is a few million dollars (of other people's money = taxpayers') compared with the $Billions already lost in the buying spree around the world?

    I personally think Dhanabalan should take full responsibility for all the fiasco and mess. He cannot simply smile and continue to draw his millions of dollars salary as Chairman any more.

    Sickened Citizen.

  7. Close Temasek and there will be no further problem !
