
Demand for news that you pay for

Reading news in cyberspace is free and thus one cannot demand what should be written. But one still has a choice of choosing what one wants to read and which blog or forum to go to. In the case of commercial media, one pays for the news and has a right to demand on what to read or stop paying. Are the commercial media delivering to the consumers what they paid for? I would want to read more about the family of Mas Selamat and how they are coping with his disappearance. I would also like to know about all the big earners, not just the CEOs, but the chairman, board of directors, the top 10 senior executives of high paying organisations. Would the media do some justice by serving their paid customers better with news they want to read and not news that are mountains made out of mole hills? I accept that what is important and readable is a personal preference. And for people who desire to read saucy news and gossips, they know which media to go to. And for those who want something more serious in nature, they too know which media to pay for. These choices are similar in cyberspace. There is a wide spread of blogs with different agendas to feed the big variety of readers, gossips, rumours etc all for free.


  1. You can also exercise the same choice for comemrcial media. if you are not getting the news that you paid to read, stop paying for it.

  2. You can also exercise the same choice for comemrcial media. if you are not getting the news that you paid to read, stop paying for it.

  3. Personally I think 90% of us common people are just wasting money and time on ST. As much as 35years back, I stopped reading ST and had lose no sleep.

  4. Take away the foreign news and advertisement,it only takes me 5 mins to read ST,daily. Quite a waste of money actually!

  5. hi feddup, i feel quite sorry for the journalists and reporters. they are so talented and have so much time to write inciteful articles, oops, i mean insightful articles. unfortunately those articles are less likely to be published. they must be feeling like boredzorro, talent without an avenue to express.

    i welcome them to write their pieces here. i promise them a freehand and no censorship, no vetting, no question ask.

  6. Hi Bean,
    Yes I agree that we have talented reporters and journalists, but their creativity is being stifled.Most of their articles and reportings have been angled to suit the present regime. What a sad thing !
