
We are getting closer to a 8 million people city

We are getting closer to realise our dream of a 8 million people city. I read today's paper that private developers are building flats that are as big as 8 table tennis tables or 344 sq ft. And HDB is also reducing the size of the respective flats compare to the earlier days. Whether this is progress or regress is another issue. The squeeze will mean that the island could easily double or triple the population size. Let's forget about Swiss standard of living. Let's look east at Hongkong and Tokyo, great examples of great living. And the quality of life should be better as these flats are relatively more expensive on a per sq ft basis. So more expensive must be better. And this great way to live can be easily explained away. Save on PUB bills, save on cleaning space, no need maids, OMO can do liao. And no need to run all the way to the toilet or kitchen. Just row over and one is instantly in the toilet or kitchen. So easy and comfortable. Can watch TV from the toilet seat too. Singaporeans should look forward to the exciting future.


  1. anyone went to the IT show this weekend?

    all the way from city hall mrt to suntec city till the exhibition hall was packed full of people.

    sisters, gf molested, people breathless, suffocating.

    do you ever stop to think if this is what we wanted for singapore and our children & who is responsible?

    the import of foreign trash in the relentless pursuit of gdp must stop!!

  2. it is a franchise system, the more people the more the more gst collections to justify the million dollars salaries.

    the losers must be the incumbent residents who have lost their spaces and quality of life due to these foreign invasions.

  3. Let me help you on the absurb & pathetic line. The government realise that ppl will galvanise against the PAPA and so decided that the best way to go is to isolate as many SIN into bachalor pad so they go home and watch CNA or CNN or get mix up with some China girls - and thats all.

    In this way, PAPA continue to rule and ppl gets more and more isolated relying on the box for all their informations. ST is dead. Wala, objective achieved.

    You decide this is just one mischevious tack...

  4. I sense SIN are feeling being crowded out. I sense SIN can only KPKB but will remain within their safe zone. Would SIN be able to substain a bar brawl?

  5. Are we trained to do out a bar brawl? Should we start training to brawl?

  6. the simple way to recover the money we have lost is to swell our population to 16 millions or more, those who feel the heat could follow ah kong in planting new roots.

  7. there are many angles to look at this craziness for more people. it is destructive to our well being for the little economic good it will bring. the aussies are smarter to protect the influx of more people into the country.

    why the mad rush for growth at all cost?

    the losers in the race deserve, yes, just a shoe box like in tokyo. just slot in at night. every efficient in the use of space.

    the crowd at IT at suntec. and we are only 4 million today. can't believe what life is like at 6 mil. don't even dare to think 8 mil.

  8. the crowd in suntec augurs well for the mice in sands, and that is not entirely bad.

  9. yes, there are always the pros and cons. there is also the social cost.

  10. From these increased rakings and takings by the state where only the sky is the limit in as far as population size is concerned, the local born and bred should at least deserve a 6 figures lump sum compensation plus royalties from the gsts for the inconveniences and intrusions that have affected them.

    It is the most equitable and direct way for the people to share in their country's growth.

  11. > Singaporeans should look forward to the exciting future. <

    Agree 100%. I'll be watching it on a beach, far away from the blood and gore.
