
We will

We will look after our old, our weak and our sick! We will house them, feed them and care for them! We will return their savings as promised and not suka suka keep it at our pleasure! We will build housing at really affordable price, not market price! We will build hospitals to care for our sick, not at astronomical prices! Hmmmm, I think any potential political party that adopts the above as their party slogan will be seen as too idealistic, not pragmatic. Maybe foolish.


  1. All political parties are foolish. Without exception.

  2. We will look dump our old, our weak and our sick!
    We will suka suka keep it at our pleasure!
    We will build housing at for profit!
    We will build hospitals to care elites at astronomical prices!

    isn't the evil pap govt doing all this right now, against all the noble & kind slogan u have suggested?
    and yet they are still getting the mandate. why change??
    singaporeans just like to get fxxked.

  3. hi anonymous, i think you are right. the We will slogan is just wrong. no wonder no political party is chanting those things.

  4. There is only one political party that is capable of ruling Singapore. Do I need to spell the name out? Other politial parties are just distractions and will eventually be 'fixed'. So, don't bother.

  5. If you keep repeating something over and over again, it may become the truth.

    Lost Citizen

  6. let's all bow to the demigods and immortals.
