
Celebrating Singaporean - Wee Cho Yaw

Wee Cho Yaw and the Wee Foundation The Wee family has set up a $30m foundation for charity, to help the less privileged, to promote the Chinese language and culture, to foster greater community spirit and social integration. The Wee have joined the other prominent Singaporean families like the Lee of Lee Rubber, the Lien, the Shaw and the Tan of Tan Chin Tuan Foundation. These are the contributions of people who have succeeded in their enterprises and returning something back to society. But what is more remarkable is not just this act but for a man who builds a business that has 500 offices in 18 countries. And he did it on his own, his way, without needing foreign talents. Wee Cho Yaw has proven that you don't need foreign talents to do what he has done.


  1. Wee IS foreign talent. He was born in China or Malaysia.

  2. most singaporeans were foreigners and some were foreign talents in the past. many have set foot here and living here longer than their time spent in their homeland.
