
Time to be credited.

Many of the bloggers here are still using anonymous to post. Increasingly there are more who are using a nick to represent themselves. This is year 2009 and we have seen how the internet has evolved over the last few years. The quality of the postings are getting better compare to the early years when it was a lot of battering just for the sake of battering one another. We are seeing many respectable people in the cyberspace using their own names to express their views and make their points, not necessarily anti establishment or to bring down the establishment. The discourse in the internet is far ranging, very informative and challenging. Many views are expressed ingeniously and artfully. It is time that bloggers should be credited with what they post. It is not necessary that they should use their real name or identity. A pen name, like many authors or even journalists did will be good enough. It will be a cyberspace identity that will grow with the author and may become part of the author. I strongly encourage all the bloggers to use a nick of whatever that they fancy to post. It will be more meaningful for everyone. Cheers.


  1. My experience at PAP Meet the People Session (Part 2)

    On Tuesday, 06 Jan 2009, I went to my area Meet the People Session to meet and raise my concerns and issues with my area elected Member of Parliament (MP).

    He is Mr Wong Kan Seng from the ruling party, People's Action Party (PAP).

    I told the MP that "all is not well" in the other part of Singapore. I told him that I can see some Singapore workers struggling to make ends meet, facing the financial crisis. I can see that he emphasized with their situation.

    He told me that there are still jobs available for Singaporeans and the jobs come with training. Those who are in need of jobs should approach Workforce Development Agency (WDA). Those in need of financial help can approach Community Development Councils (CDC).

    He said former prisoners can approach Singapore Aftercare Association (SACA) or Singapore Corporation of Rehabilitative Enterprises (SCORE) for help. There is the latest training programme called Skills Programme for Upgrading and Resilience (SPUR), under WDA.

    Or if they have any other problems or issues or concerns regarding government agencies, they should go to meet their MP to raise the issue. They can email, or write in, typed or handwritten, to the MP. They can speak to their MP.

    I asked whether they trace the votes for non PAP political parties Singaporean supporters when they go to MPS to meet PAP MP.
    Mr Wong replied that they do not trace the votes and voting is secret. He raised the example that Ang Mo Kio PAP MP serve the residents there regardless of who they voted for, to illustrate his point.

    I asked whether non-PAP political parties Singaporean supporters are able to meet PAP MP at the MPS. He replied that non-PAP political parties supporters are able to meet PAP MP.

    I asked about his response to the many comments in Cyberspace regarding them. He replied that many of the comments were made anonymously in Cyberspace. I can see that he answered my questions, concerns and issues patiently and ernestly.

    I can sense that the system is imperfect and there are difficulties involved for those who need help. I told him I will disseminate the information I heard from him to others in need and in Cyberspace.

    Prior to to meeting the MP, I had an exchange with the PAP volunteers or activists who insisted on knowing what I intend to say to the MP, so that they can key into their computer system for the MP to read prior to meeting the residents. I believe they have their reasons in wanting to do so.

    I told the volunteers or activists that the people must come first, and whether or not they want to tell them what they want to raise to the MP, they must still facilitate the meeting with the MP. The volunteer who was talking to me agreed with the view that the people must come first.

    It was a hassle. The volunteer appeared not able to handle the situation. The volunteer had to ask her senior volunteer to speak to me. I also told her that the said MP told me that residents who do not have a case can still meet the MP, all they need to do is to register, take a number and join the quene.

    In the end, the volunteer simply asked me for a subject heading, which I said was 'Livelihood Issues In Crisis'. And with that she keyed into the computer system.

    She told me that it was the first time she encountered this type of situation. I replied that there is always a first time in every situation, and it will help add to her life experience if the situation is handled well.

    After I resolved the above issue with the volunteers, I asked whether they trace the votes of the residents who seek to meet the PAP MP and whether non PAP political parties Singaporean supporters are able to meet the PAP MP in their area.

    They replied that they do not trace the votes of the residents who are in MPS to meet the MP. And they do not discriminate against residents who do not vote for PAP who are there to meet the PAP MP.

    I got my questions, issues and concerns answered and I thanked Mr Wong and the PAP volunteers before I leave the MPS.

    My thoughts after the visit is that I am impressed. I am impressed with the willingness of the PAP volunteers and MP to accommodate the non-usual type of residents on the spot. I can see that others too have positive experiences at the MPS.

    But there is still a lot of work to be done to correct the incorrect perception of the MPS system, and to make it apolitical so that those who need help can seek out their MP for help, irregardless of which political party they voted for during the General Election.

    It can be a matter of life and death for those who desperately need financial help and it would be a tragedy if they are prevented mentally from seeking help from PAP MP if they think they are not welcome to do so, and as a result committed suicide.

    I do not expect the system to be imperfect. I expect the system to be always a work-in-progress. I hope the system is able to cater to the usual, the non usual and the different types of residents. I hope that the MP know the situation on the ground and respond with empathy. I know and understand that there are difficulties.

    I hope to write as accurately and truthfully on my experience at the MPS as possible. I have omitted certain expression used by the MP and volunteers so as to avoid misinterpretation and the arising of misunderstanding, anger, hatred and disappointment associated with such expression.

    Of course, realistically, I will not be able to convince all that all is OK, well and good with the MPS system, especially those and others who do not have positive experiences with their MP and MPS. All I can do is to provide another side to the experience.

    Francis Chua, Singapore

  2. hi francis, that is a very fair and detailed report of your experience with MPS. after so many years, the pap has a very well oiled machinery to look after the people. this you must give credit to them. there will be some who will slip through the net. that is quite unavoidable.

    the pap has done a lot for the people and country. that is something that we cannot deny. but it is not perfect and has its own flaws in areas when its vested interests are affected. as a political party, as human beans, they and we must accept the imperfections that come with it.

    but that does not mean that we must live with the flaws. as concerned citizens, we must be prepared to talk about the flaws and imperfections to make them better. by raising such issues, we are actually helping. only the small minded will find criticisms unacceptable and irritating. the people who cricised are actually the friends.

    the apple polishers and the blind followers are the deadlier ones, the ones that will bring down the party and the system.

  3. Dear Francis Chua;

    You deserve my thanks for bringing up 'livelihood issues in crisis' on behalf of us people.

    Liked Redbean, I find your posting detailed and informative.

    You have done a good job!

    From Yours Truly: patriot
