
Dismantling the walls of Elitism

Meritocracy has done us good. In it purest form, meritocracy is fair, devoid of discrimination of any dimension. Anyone who merits to rise the stratosphere deserves to be there. But there is no pure form of meritocracy. Intended or not, there are barriers that would not allow the ablest to rise to the top. Some are social and economic, some are political. Meritocracy protected by barriers intentionally erected to safeguard a small group of people will lead to a bad form of elitism. We are beginning to witness more and more barriers being erected to protect the elite in the name of meritocracy and making stratosphere their own playground, forever. The elite are not only keeping the troughs to themselves, they are feeding on many troughs at the same time when one or two troughs will be more than enough to make them fat. This is an extreme kind of greed and will not be good in the long run. Just like the end game in the animal farm, greed and elitism will eventually be a sore point that will lead to grievances and opposition, which will lead to suppression and open revolt. When would the people rise up to notice that such barriers are not in the people’s general interest and even offensive? When will the people think that such barriers should be dismantled to level the playing field, to allow democracy and meritocracy to really thrive in our socio political system, untainted by unwarranted barriers?


  1. 与历史上的教训一样,贪得无厌的菁英必然有近亲繁殖和自我复制的冲动,但最终都将失败。秦始皇自认为秦朝“开始的皇帝”,儿子叫秦二世,希望传玩世,结果二世就完蛋了。没有菁英可以逃脱这种命运。

  2. from out experience, the power has been smoothly transferred to the second generation. quite an achievement actually.

    kim il sung has successfully passed it down to kim jung il. can be done, if god willing.

  3. > can be done, if god willing. <

    Saddam Hussein to Barack Hussein.

  4. the americans are funny. they got rid of president hussein only to elect another hussein as their president.

  5. matilah, i am impressed with your mandarin.

  6. If you are from RI, ACS, CHS and a few other schools, you have already been meritorous! So when you work in gahman or gahman-tainted digs you will be awarded public merits. See how many pingan pandia angka (PPA) has been issued to these meritorious group during the last 40 years.

  7. And from Thailand:


  8. matilah, i am still trying to figure out your second post in mandarin.

    there are many selective barriers in our society. going to the best schools is a bit of economic and social barriers but still quite meritocratic for many.

  9. > going to the best schools is a bit of economic and social barriers <

    You're showing off your PAP-brainwashed ignorance again.

    Who says you need to go to 'the best schools' to succeed in life?

    Who says that sending kids to 'school' in the first place will actually 'educate' them?

    And the clincher:

    How come the so-called 'smart' and 'educated' people, all employed in govts, all over the world, and are thus in-charge of running the show, have been and continue to royally screw things up?

  10. matilah, you mabok or what?

    no where did anyone suggest that going to branded schools will be educated, better educated or successful.

  11. there goes your dynasty PAP mindset n mentality again,,,gone are the days redbean, you got to 'Can' such thinking, won't work nowadays. ,,,,,pwr transfer to 2nd gen. geeee what stupidity. you must open up and change. you have to be current with reality.

  12. wow like that my life is going to be very miserable man. i praise the govt a little and kena whacked. say a little negative thing also kena whacked.

    actually i am just provoking thoughts and reactions. my posts can rub people wrongly. : )
