
TOC evolving itself

I am glad to see TOC evolving and transforming itself into a platform to air issues that are close to the hearts of Singaporeans. Other than just the cyberspace, the use of Hong Lim to speak on issues should allow TOC to reach out to more people. The latest agenda includes several new speakers and issues and there is an immediate audience in the form of the unhappy minibond victims. They should form the base for a crowd and other interested and concerned parties can also join in. Hopefully this will draw in more people to Hong Lim and the painful and unpleasant issues facing the people can be revived instead of being buried. There are many issues that TOC can keep talking to raise the consciousness and awarenss of the public. Do not let these issues be forgotten.


Anonymous said...

I think that in this 'troubled' times, the rich should stop getting richer, and invest in the society to allow the poor to level up and achieve a low to zero Gini coeffient. Everything in our world is artificial anyway. Money is artificial. Material is artificial. Computer is artificial. They are all man-made to keep everyone occupied. They are secular. The school certificates issued in the secular formal education system is artificial. So what not allow the poor to catch up and level up?? Why can't everyone be a professor if he or she wants to? Why can't everyone be a millionaire if he or she wants to? It is all fake anyway, why continue to bluff ourselves? The secular education system was invented to benefit everyone, not a selected few. You stinking highly-educated old men and stinking highly old women, who are not doing what you should be to allow the poor to rise up the education ladder. The secular economic system was invented to benefit everyone, not a selected few. You stinking rich old men and stinking rich old women, constantly thinking up new ways to prevent others from getting their just share of material comforts and be rich. The ruling party politicians, their supporters and others are always thinking up of ways to prevent others from rising up and rising up above themselves if they are more capable. That is why Singapore sucks! Big time!

Francis Chua, Singapore

Anonymous said...

Looking a job is a hellish experience in Singapore. The company directors, most of whom have got the money but not the job knowledge, put out advertisments to look for 'degree-holders', 'diploma-holders' and others. Immediately, those with the knowledge or working experience but do not have the paper qualifications for some reasons are brush aside and discrimminated against. Since 1965, the ruling party in Singapore do nothing about this situation, but constantly brainwashed the population to believe in the 'superiority' of having paper qualifications. This immediately discrimminate against and violate the human rights of Singaporeans who can do the job but without paper qualifications. This unjust practice discrminate and violate the human rights of the poor and needy, and go to further suppress those at the bottom to be at the bottom for the rest of their lives. There are many Singaporeans who are unable to rise up through the years because of these practices while the arsehole paper qualifications holders are having a merry times in their air-conditioned offices and having a good lifestyle. Singapore is suppose to be one of the richer countries, yet the way some poor and needy young, middle-aged and old Singaporeans are treated is horrendous! Singapore sucks! In Singapore, many poor and rich look down on the poor. Singapore is a horrible place to live in.

Francis Chua, Singapore

Anonymous said...

In Singapore, the poor are powerless, and most only have little political representation. The arsehole ruling party politicians care more about winning votes to keep themselves in power, than in actually uplifting the lives of Singaporeans. They used public money to send their sons for overseas university education, SGD $400,000, while they pocketed millions of dollars as salaries. They abused the political system to suppress Singaporeans to prevent them from speaking out about the abuses in Singapore. They resorted to suppression of the mass media to serve their ends. The arsehole jounalists allowed themselves to ask dumb questions to elicit answers that the ruling politicans and their familiy members, and supporters want to hear. There are already a lot written about the despotic ways of the ruling party politicians. What more, few want to speak out to avoid offending the despotic government officials. The rot stink to all levels of Singapore society.

Francis Chua, Singapore

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

hi francis,

there is no way to prevent the rich from using all their resources for the betterment of their children. that is the privilege of being rich or having rich parents. you are right to say that our competitive education system favours the rich and the poor kids are disadvantaged. this is the draw of life. if only their parents are rich and can provide the best for them.

our system is not perfect but other than the very disadvantaged, many of the not so rich students still get through and did well.

the system did provide a helping hand to some but obviously is unable to reach out to all. i don't think any system can or any system can make everyone a professor or a millionaire.

we have to live with the imperfections. but this does not mean that we should accept the imperfection and say this is the best we can do and stop kpkb. when there is a need to, we must kpkb.

Anonymous said...

There is no freedom of speech in Singapore, otherwise, I will not be putting my thoughts here. I will be going round Singapore, speaking out using a loud hailer.

Francis Chua, Singapore

Anonymous said...

>the system did provide a helping hand to some but obviously is unable to >reach out to all. i don't think any system can or any system can make >everyone a professor or a millionaire.

>we have to live with the imperfections. but this does not mean that we should >accept the imperfection and say this is the best we can do and stop kpkb. >when there is a need to, we must kpkb.

Tell PAP to go to hell, and stop giving the impression that they are the Almighty who can help every Singaporean. Tell the arsehole politicians and dictators to go to hell.

Francis Chua, Singapore

Anonymous said...

The rich in Singapore already have more than their fair share of material comforts. They live in luxurious private rich neighbourhood, their kids attend comfortable schools, they drive around in luxurious cars, and jet around the world in First Class luxury. What more do they want? One diamond ring, 3 diamond rings or 10 diamond rings?! And yet they are so stingy when comes to pay for their employees. They are so stingy when comes to public assistance money for the poor and needy. No money to send their kids for overseas uni education, why can't they sell away their houses?! Fancy using public money! They have no morals and no shame! When the times are good, they enjoy all they can, when the times are bad, they want everyone, including the poor, to help them. What arseholes! Suddenly, when the times are bad, they become especially charitable, stop being hypocrites. The hypocrisy stinks all around the world. Those at the top are corrupted in their thoughts and keep thinking of all ways to prevent others from rising.

Francis Chua, Singapore

Anonymous said...

The reason they, like you, are getting richer, is that they have already figure out how to get rich and richer, and doing what they can to get more money. Stop pretending.

Francis Chua, Singapore

Anonymous said...

>i don't think any system can or any system can make everyone a professor or a millionaire.

Your thought and my thought are not on the same level.

Francis Chua, Singapore

Anonymous said...

Get it correct, you and I are on equal political standing with anyone in Singapore and anyone around the world.

Francis Chua, Singapore

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

hi francis,

fully agree with you. your thoughts and mine are not of the same level. we have the same political rights. one vote.

but you also have more vocal rights than me as you expressed more than me.