
My hat's off to the party

If anyone or any party can convince well educated, highly educated people to believe in what they said, it must be a very capable party, or least in its ability to win converts to its cause. The idea of a one party ruling system, akin to a benevolent dictatorship, is like convincing the livestock to walk into an abattoir. A walk to no return. I still cannot believe that this is possible, but to hear them sing praises of a one party system, they appear real, fully bought the idea, hook, line and sinker. I must say, great job, well done. The other way to look at it is that livestock are meant for the slaughter house. They can't differentiate between that and a home. They are bred just for that, unthinking or thinking, that that is the only way to go. You see how happy the sheep in the field and the herd of cattle grazing, or how the chicken enjoy themselves when the farmer appears with their feast. They won't trade that kind of life for anything else. It is very comfortable and assuring.


  1. At the rate the political situation in Singapore is deteriorating quietly, it is better to vote out the People's Action Party (PAP) from the Parliament before it is too late. PAP is manipulating the self-interests of the various groups in Singapore to their advantage. There is no integrity in the corrupted & grossly unfair political system as peddled by PAP in Singapore.

    Francis Chua, Singapore

  2. By the way, I am true-blue Singaporean, I was born and grew up in Singapore. I studied in Singapore schools. I served National Service, the military conscription for free. I am not Singapore Permenent Resident.

    Francis Chua, Singapore

  3. The reason I am not using pidgin English, which is heavily influenced by the many local languages, as commonly heard in Singapore, such as "park where?", "long time no see" or "anything also can", is that it simply cannot be understood by the wider English-speaking audience outside Singapore. That explains why I use Standard English, which is a form of the English language that is thought to be normative for educated native speakers, in my written communications.

    Francis Chua, Singapore

  4. It is good that you are able to impress and express your views in very eloquent and efficient standard English. However snubbing those that can't expres or write as well as you, is not call for.


  5. you don't use it you loose it!

  6. the one country that the people dun complain abt their one party system will soon be the greatest economic power the world has never seen. and hello i cant see what's wrong with that system which could be just as well be everyone's model one day.

  7. Read Gerald Giam's "Having Capable alternative party is in the national interest."

  8. hi yuppy, welcome to the blog.

    everyone has his own individual style of expression and this gives us variety. we can spare ourselves with less personal poking unless it is just a friendly jab. most good blogs and forums are evolving after the initial stages of strong languages.

    cyberspace is maturing and people are starting to discuss more seriously.

    as for anonymous's comment on the single party superpower, good for them. my view is that a single party must not be an intended choice. the danger of a single party system go very long, and for a very long time is unacceptable.

    at the early stage of nation building, when there are a lot of pulls to all directions, it is easier to rule and get things done by a strong man. but as a country matures, look at europe, a multiparty system or two party system must be the way to go, to provide checks and balances and alternatives.

    putting all your eggs in one basket is a dead man's choice. a single party is only good if the men in charge are good. if they are crooks, you will have to live under the crooks forever.

    never surrender all your rights to anyone or system. always leave yourself some room to get out from it. only the insane will sell the idea that it is good to be ruled by a single party or a dictatorship.

  9. >It is good that you are able to impress and express your views in very >eloquent and efficient standard English. However snubbing those that can't >expres or write as well as you, is not call for.


    It is my intention to help Singaporeans and other human beings using my writings. I was never able to write this way, until a positive change in my life happened. All thanks to The Enlightened One and his devout followers in Singapore and elsewhere. Thank you.

    Francis Chua, Singapore
