
It could be worst

The ungrateful Singaporeans are complaining again. This time for the loss of a miniscule $18m from Town Council fund, which is so small compares to the $2 billion it has hoarded. And if the $2b is not enough, they could easily raise the conservancy charges and build the reserve to last 20 years for a rainy day. Singaporeans did not realise that this is the best team handling their money. It could be worst, and all the money could have been gone if a lesser team was in charge. Please count your blessings and be grateful, and thankful. Your money is in good hands.


  1. You are so right. We should really count our blessings. We have the best government to make sure that we are well looked after. Our medical facilities are top of the range, education is second to none, welfare is the best in the region, infrastructure is one of the best and to top it all, we have the best people governing the country. What more do we need? Nothing, we are soooooo lucky.

    Losing $18m is just bad luck. You are right, it could be worse if lesser people are in charge. $18m is but a few peanuts!!!!!

  2. Thank God, we have such people to look after our money! They are really worth every cent.

  3. No one can be more cruel than doctors, administrators, politicians, couples and others, to allow a child to be conceived through 'donor' sperm and egg.
    The child, whose legal father and/or mother, are not his biological father and/or mother. Imagine the frequent newspaper and magazine articles that report on the heart-breaking seperation of father/mother and child. Now, consider this, no one, NO ONE, raise an objection over the seperation of the biological father and mother, and their biological child, at the point of conception. Imagine how shattering it must be to the child, when he or she realized that his or her legal father and mother, are not his biological father and mother. The child will be so sad, not knowing who his biological father and/or mother is. No child wants to be born in this way, where his legal father and mother, are not his biological father and mother. I am shocked at the blind acceptance of this unethical practice in Singapore and elsewhere by supposingly intelligent human beings! I am shocked to realize the existence of sperm and egg banks. Donating sperm and egg is not the same as donating blood. Sperm and egg combined, together with other unknown, give rise to a human being! How can anyone be so cruel to an unborn child knowingly?? It is so irresponsible of the man to give away his sperm like that. It is so irresponsible of the woman to give away her egg like that. It is so irresponsible of the doctor to perform such operation. Who is to speak up for the right of the child?? Which of you readers like to be in the above mentioned situation?? It is timely to examine this unethical practice and put a stop to the unneccesary suffering for the child.

    Francis Chua, Singapore

  4. SGD $18,000,000 dollars!

    Francis Chua, Singapore

  5. hi francis,

    you are touching on an area that human beans are still trying to understand. the biological part is easier and not a problem. the eggs and sperms came with the dnas of the donors and biologically the child will be the child of the donors.

    would conceiving and embedded in the mother's womb make the baby a part of the mother? probably some.

    the difficult part is the life. when does the life come into being? and is this life independent of the biological cells or originates from them? if the latter, then the child in nearly all aspects belongs to the donor.

    if life takes form and originates from somewhere, independent of the donors, perhaps it does not matter then.

    this is a very difficult area to understand and the moral obligations will be dependent on the understanding of the origin of the new life.

  6. Address:


    Francis Chua, Singapore

  7. It is outrageous that this act committed by supposingly intelligent doctors, administrators, politicians, couples and others against the unborn child is allowed to happened in Singapore and elsewhere. Where are the ethics when ethics are sorely needed? Infertility is not a problem. It is common for couple to not conceive. This is incredulous! Unbelievable! The lunancy of some human beings!

    Francis Chua, Singapore

  8. So what is your problem, Francis? There are people in this world who are very keen to become parents. By heer bad luck one or both of married partners are infertile. What other options do they have? I think you are blinkered and see ony one side of the issue.

  9. what is 18M compared to 2B, less than 1%? even a real estate agent earn more than that commission. you must learn to look at things in the RIGHT perspective.

  10. really, $18m is too insignificant a number to bother anyone. today we are all talking about billions and trillions. $600k is just a peanut, remember that?

    the perspective of money has changed and different people value money differently. some may scold you if you give theme $10. some may go down on their knees and say thank you.

    how could the two world see eye to eye and understand each other's problem?

    Someone's income for a day is $10. another could tip $200 for his dinner.

  11. I do not believe that in prosperous Singapore there are still people earning $10 per day. I also heard that there are people earning more than $10,000 in a single day. Is that true? What a difference in income gap!!!

  12. the lower end is a big grey area as there will be people who are picking tin cans to sell. so $10 or $1 or anything can be possible. as an employee, the maids are getting about $300 to $400 and work for nearly 60 days, given that they workd more than 8 hours a day or double that.

    on the other extreme, excluding those income from businesses, just talk about employees, people who are being paid by an organisation, public and private, $30k a month or more is not unusual. they just don't tell you or don't want to talk about it as it is obscenity.

  13. It's not "your" money. The money belongs to the town council.

    $18 mil — ok lah, under the present circumstances. No need for hysterics.

  14. well, i think the smrt is going to spend more than that for a high tech notice board for commuters to know where they are and where they are going.

    what is $18m? anyway, it is other people's money.

  15. oops, my comment above on $30k a month is way off. actually it is more like $30k a day x 22 or $660k a month!

    better than striking toto every month.

  16. >So what is your problem, Francis? There are people in this world who are very >keen to become parents. By heer bad luck one or both of married partners are >infertile. What other options do they have? I think you are blinkered and see >ony one side of the issue.

    >November 20, 2008 5:50 PM

    In reality, the secular laws in Singapore terribly lag behind that of developed countries such as Britain. Since 1965 till present, I observed that Singapore citizens often have their human rights denied and violated by the oppressive government officials. Now, imagine the horrors of putting the power of reproductive scientific technology into the hands of these errant politicians and their supporters. Where is the legal recourse for the child conceived through doner sperm and/or egg in Singapore? From what I know, there is none. Parents of such child often denied their true identiy for selfish reasons. This means that the government is misusing science to perpetuate a fraud. This means that the legislative is abandoning their responsibilities. This means that the judiciary is hampered in upholding natural justice. Conscientious individuals and Singaporeans like myself will not stand idly by and allow this fraud to continue without speaking out on this issue.

    Francis Chua, Singapore

  17. francis, i agree with your point that the non biological parents could end up abusing or ill treating the child. that is a fear that i have when considering donating for a new life. no matter what, the donors are biological parents and they must have the conscience and parental love to want their offspring to live decently.

    we have many cases even of biological parents or step parents mistreating their children.

    would donors of eggs and sperms go about their lives without a care that their biological children could be somewhere suffering?

    any legal provisions for such an eventuality?

  18. After googling the photos of Mr Lee Hsien Loong, Mr Lee Kuan Yew and Mdm Kwa Geok Choo, it dawn on me that it is so obvious to me that Mr Lee Hsien Loong do not look like Mr Lee Kuan Yew and Mdm Kwa Geok Choo, his father and mother. I had spoken to a man in my neighbourhood and he too confirmed this obsevation. Three of them looked like distinct individuals. Even he and his siblings do not look alike. Why has no one talk about this in Singapore? Couple this observation with Mr Lee Kuan Yew's favorite topic on human reproduction and mating, and human intelligence, what can one conclude? How can Mr Lee's three children be so outstanding, if they are indeed so? First, it is not possible for a child not to look like his biological father and mother, unless he or she is adopted or is conceived through another man's sperm and woman's egg. Second, Mr Lee Kuan Yew's constant harping on eugenics make one think that he himself has tried it out. Third, it is not common that all children from a biological father and mother has high intelligence. The secret is out. When the so-called political leadership on top are talking and doing this kind of thing, what respect do you think the people have for them? Not much.

    There is an embarrassing and deafening silence in Singapore when this issue is raised.

    Francis Chua, Singapore

  19. >would donors of eggs and sperms go about their lives without a care that >their biological children could be somewhere suffering?

    >any legal provisions for such an eventuality?

    That is the problem in Singapore. The Members of Parliament (MP) are just so lazy to formulate laws properly to keep in step with the advancement of science. Each MP can only speak at most 20 minutes in a parliamentary debate. What kind of debate is that when the MP can only speak 20 minutes at most?
    They justify their laziness in the name of pragmatism or practicality.
    Their past will surely come back to haunt them. Their children will surely suffer for their sins.

    Francis Chua, Singapore

  20. hi francis, let's avoided getting too personal on people's private lives. it is healthier to kpkb about issues.

    we must be kind to other people, and hopefully people can also be kind to you. the karmic law is fair.
