
Help is along the way

Should we be frightened by it again? We have experienced many helps in the past that we wonder whether we are better off with or without the help. Like it or not, the people will be getting help. We get help in good times and in bad times. And help reaches everyone other than those that are really rich. So should Singaporeans be looking forward for more help? In the current state of the economy, Singaporeans have no choice but to look for help. The richest country in Asia next to Japan and its people are in trouble and waiting for help. This time it will take more than a Tan Kin Lian to help them. What if help does not come? Can we imagine how paradise will become?


  1. No.

    These days the concentration of welfare is directed to the favourites in the CORPORATE sector.

    I've always made the point that the welfare state is very bad in that it causes deadly economic distortions, usurps liberty and is fraught with moral hazards.

    In other words, the "needy" should be left alone and "aid" should only come from willing volunteers.

    Well, these days the "needy" are the failing corporations. They "need" help. Poor buggers.

    Now, this is not $300/$500 piece-meal handouts. In the realm of corporate welfare the sums are staggering — BILLIONS handed out at a time.

    All welfare is tax funded, i.e. funded from private property STOLEN by the state and re-distributed.

    And this is the case in corporate welfare.

    To whack another buttock on the society that will never listen to reason: the fat cats who are getting all this welfare are having a good time.

    Like their "needy" lower-socio economic welfare recipients, they are taking drugs, getting drunk and being promiscuous — all by the "generosity" of the taxpayer.

  2. who would you save? a talent or an outcast?

  3. Welfare for corporations is often conflated with welfare for the minions they employ (as well as the 'spillover' effects from any foreclosures). It's popular with the sheeple, it's popular with the corporations, and politicians get to be heralded as heroes - win-win situation!

  4. Welfare for corporations is often conflated with welfare for the minions they employ (as well as the 'spillover' effects from any foreclosures). It's popular with the sheeple, it's popular with the corporations, and politicians get to be heralded as heroes - win-win situation!

  5. > who would you save? a talent or an outcast? <

    I'd drive 'em out to the desert, and then give both of them lots of guns and ammo, and as much alcohol as they can drink.

    The from a safe distance I'll sip beer in the shade and enjoy the "entertainment". Watch the psychos kill each other to prove to one another "I'm right! You're wrong!"

    Priceless! Guranteed to be a YouTube favourite!

  6. You believe these crabs. Each time in a recession or retrenchment - you get to hear - go for re-education to up your skills set. Politician like parrots repeat almost standard textbook reply which have since lost its meaning Why pay them million to give you a standard reply?.

    Another - Govt will ensure finanacial aid is available to SME blab bs bs...Just check out the interest rates is enough... Last recession Govt said economy will be prime with $22billions - did you smell a cent?

    Do you continue to believe these good to hear lip service? Help is on the way. Govt know your plight...
