
Freedom of choice and association

Freedom of fear and free to live life. These are the things that make America a great country. I feel so impressed by the way the Presidential Election is being conducted. Both candidates were free to run their election campaign the way they want it without any bureaucratic obstruction. Obama was allowed to buy network time to reach out to the people. In some countries these will definitely not be allowed. And the bureaucracy, the law enforcers, the election committee etc etc, all play an impartial role in allowing both candidates equal room and space, without any favour. And the two candidates fought each other aggressively but without resorting to any threats or underhand tactics. Somehow, while I am immensely impressed by the American ways of democracy and equality in the eyes of the law, I got this feeling of shame.


Anonymous said...

It was such a pleasure following the US presidential campaign. It was clean, fair and very gentlemanly. There was never any threats or bad mouthing? More election campaigns should be conducted this way.

One thing puzzling me though, Redbean, why have you a feeling of shame???

Anonymous said...

Looks like the "flash in the pan" has just become the President of USA !!!!!

Anonymous said...

It is not only a historic day for Black Americans but for All Amercan especially to white Americans. Today my own distaste for your hate may be lessen.

We in asia should learn something from America. We must have courage to accept other and change. American has just set another standard for the rest of the world to aspire and follow.

congratulation to Obama and All American

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

sad and ashame. i wish we were as mature as the americans.

an obama presidency is a sweeping change not only to america but also to the world. we will see another black president in office. this is good.

Anonymous said...

What are you talking about Redbean? We are a first world country. How can you say we are immature? Please do not be ashame or sad, be happy you live in this unique country called Singapore. There is no place on earth like this country. We are the best, better than the USA.

Anonymous said...

Listening to McCain's speech after Obama's victory I just hate to say this, that I have gained much respect for his graciousness in defeat. I wish we Asians were like that, but sad to say, it is just wishful thinking. We Asians just can never reach their level of maturity. God bless the Americans.

Anonymous said...

Singaporeans can be gracious too when there is money in it.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

the election is over and winners and losers are all celebrating without any worries of some sinister things going to happen to them.

elections can be quite a pleasant thing.

Anonymous said...

Only small-minded people resort to sinister tactics. Shame, shame, and more shame on them.