
Everything is fine, don't question

Did I remember correctly that someone in this blog said we are so lucky. Everything is so fine, in good hands. Look at the poor Ah Peksand Ah Mahs and their lifesavings disappearing after buying financial products from reputable financial institutions with good faith, believing that everything is in control and safe here. Don't ask, don't question don't kpkb, count your blessings. We have a good brand. I am going to Hong Lim Park this evening to get a feel of the feel good phenomenon in Singapore. I bet many will be grumpy, angry, hostile, and will beat up anyone who tells them that they should count their blessings and go home. It is water under the bridge, let's move on. Too must trust, too much complacency, or just blind f0llowers or pure ignorance? Unthinking Singaporeans?


  1. If you want a higher interest rate on your investment you must take a higher risk. If it turns out bad, you cannot cry over the loss. If you win you can smile all the way to the bank. This is call playing the market.

    Enough, lets move on.

  2. Would you feel more secured with leaders that had led this country through past crises with flying colors, or would you prefer to have newbies with no track record other than talk and whine? Dun get it wrong again, the premium for steadfast and reliable leaders at these times is increased, not decreased.

    Yes the country is in good hands, you should be grateful that it is.

  3. which leaders you are referring that have led this country through past crises with flying colours? i know of only a handful.

    how many are in your list? 30, 40, 80?

    ask the ah peks and ah mahs at honglim and the investors and shareholders of stocks how they are feeling now.

    more financial instruments, products and derivatives are being peddled in the market to the unsavvy investors daily. and no one is stopping it and know how serious this could become.

  4. What exactly is your grime?
    A conspiratory theory or something?

    Even as to a limited extent those that lost in the minibonds deserve some sympathy one must however be clear as to where to put the blame. If any at all.

    Where one can claim to be naive and guilible and that can easily be done it is always caveat emptor in the absence of fraud. This principle is as old as the hills.

    Investors are speculators, are risk takers. People choose to take risks in the market be it corporate/business deals, equities/ derivatives, or to speculate in the property market etc.

    When things are well they get rewarded for the risks and it is fine, when things are not well they get burnt. It cant be simpler than that.

  5. Yes, I said that in anon 5.19pm
    If you cannot take the loss then you shouldn't be in the game at all. There is always a rik when you want to play in the market or put your money in investments for a gain. Please don't cry and expect help when things go sour.

    I am so cheesed off when people are greedy for a few more % gain but when things go wrong start blaming others for their loss.

  6. i really hope some gutsy MPs or ministers share your views and stand up to tell the losers to grow up and stop behaving like cry babies.

    selling tainted milk is a crime. no caveat emptor.

    MAS regulations have provisions to guard against selling to the wrong clientele, people who do not understand the product and risk and people who cannot afford to take risk. many of these retirees just wanted a low risk product that pays higher interest. losing a big chunk of their capital is not a suitable product for them.
