
Singaporeans are simply brand conscious

The high class shops in Orchard Road say it all. Brand is important. Not only that they buy branded products, now they must buy branded products from branded shopping centres. Paragon! Ooooh, walking around Paragon is also an experience. Only the smartest and most well heeled walked inside Paragon. Fake Rolex watches are also selling better than other brands. The brand is good enough. Inside all cheap plastic doesn't matter. Still a Rolex. Political parties are aware of this and they make sure that their brands are marketable. Once you got a marketable brand, proven and tested, you can put anything behind the brand it would not make any difference. The people will just blindly vote for the brand. Maybe that is our political culture. We have developed a people that can hardly think politically, or just do not bother to do so. They go to the polling station and look for a recognisable brand and simply tick. Politicians need not waste time campaigning so hard trying to explain or convince the people of their worth. The people are too dull for that. Sorry guys, when you are voted, it is not to your credit. When you are voted out is also not due to your lack of talent. It is just your brand. The way it goes, we can simplify our election process by simply voting for the parties.


  1. Don't see buggers touting tourists with, "Sir! Copy-watches?" anymore.

    Hard to find fake Rolex in Singapore. Need to go either China or Thailand to find.

  2. Apperance is everything... gives illusion of well being.

  3. goldplating is also very good. all looks like gold.

  4. Swiss standard of living is what we wanted and it comes earlier than expected.

  5. you never read the fine prints about swiss standard of living? there are exclusion clauses.

  6. I see, Swiss standard of living only for the 'Imitation Swiss' of Singapore. Peasants wait long long lah!

  7. If i can't spend the dollar notes that fall out of my trousers pocket, i would rather be a hermit. Get the drift?
