
You are free to leave!

This is the often repeated message by Singaporeans or new citizens when Singaporeans are griping about some of the things that they are not happy with. Goh Wen Zhong, a LSE student also said the same thing in the ST forum today. This is a simplistic view of a snobbish response, an arrogant and thoughtless remark. Not only that many cannot afford to go, you need to be welcomed, qualified to go where you want to to. And the people who can do that would likely be the talents that we want to keep. The other is the issue of our right to stay. As citizens, it is our right to stay. And as responsible citizens, it is our right to demand changes for the betterment of country and people. Running away is not an option. And if any silly politician would dare to tell a citizen to quit if he is unhappy, kick him in the arse. He deserves that for being childish and rude. Singaporeans must stay in this place they called home. This is where they belong. How and what shapes the country takes shall be decided by them, not by a few individuals. Let no one threatens you or ask you to leave your home, your country. Singaporeans must be stayers, to redefine and rebuild the country to what they want. The country belongs to everyone who is a Singaporean. Running away is to give this island away be default.


  1. No money to run away? Then no choice but to be a stayer who whines and complains everyday.

  2. How can we give away something thats doesn't even belong to us in the first place? That's the tragedy of the current administrations policies of executive decision making - the alienation of the public and the "disconnection" from the people.

    Singapore is a corporation, not a country. And we aren't even shareholders, we're just workers. Would you begrude someone for changing "jobs" for want of a better life?

  3. Hey ... I am glad they told me to leave !!

    I was born here, grew up here and have my first kid here.

    But I feel no attachment and pride of being a singaporean. I don't identify with what Singapore represents. Which is nothing but a mercenary, materialistic modern city. A corporation.

    I don't even see it prospering for another 20 years. That is the crux.

    When the old man dies, the skeletons spilling from the closet will undo this tiny dot.

  4. It is not whether we leave or stay but nobody has the right to tell us to leave. Who the hell do they think they are. Their grandfather own this place?

  5. being smart, reading a few books on politics or taking instant courses on public administration are just a technical aspect of being a political leader.

    there must be at attachment, an emotional attachment to the country and people. for the people is not rubbish to be brush off as a public relations statement. if we don't have people feeling that this is their home, we are done.

    when there is a crisis, everyone will find the fastest way out. and if they are rich and already have a lot of money stashed away overseas, nothing to hold them back. it is pure human instinct and selfishness.

    instant politicians without roots and souls, are instant politicians. nothing more,nothing less.

    how many really cares and will stick it out for the people? it is already made clear, nice to have idealism is good to have but unreal. the real stuff is to each his own. grab as much as you can when the going is good...the brutal truth huh!

    imaging people enjoying the brutal truth jokes in private and laughing at the silly singaporeans struggling to make ends meet. how else would such vocabulary flow out from the mouth of a child? must have picked up somewhere right?

  6. For Singapore to achieve first world status we must have the best talents, local or imported. If loca cannot compete then it is better they leave this island for they are nothing but baggage. One thing we do ot need is baggage. Whether you are born here or not is not the question. The most important question should be if you can contribute. Those who are not contributing should just pack up and leave. Singapore welcomes all those who are talented and can contribute to the success of this country. If you cannot contribte, better you leave.

  7. Oi...Don liddat lar. Poor and non-contributory can still sell organs for the rich to live longer.

    Hear hear for the post though. I guess that the stay and fight idea really isn't articulated sufficiently. (Despite the sea of voices that seem to shout "dissent!") That we belong is enough reason to stay.

    Thanks for saying it.

  8. Hahaha, typical elitist first world at all cost reasoning. You will grow old and you will be without a job. You will then not be contributing to the success of Sg. You too, should ship out! Hahaha!

  9. To anon 3.09pm,

    You are a disgrace to humanity. Either your folks have not taught you the proper values or the schools you attended have not done their jobs.

  10. To anon 3.09p.m.

    There are people in their 60s and beyond currently living in Singapore who contributed to make Singapore the country it is today. And what is their reward? Clearing tables at food courts? To add insult to injury, they are hiring 'foreign talents' to do even such jobs. Does it really matter if Singapore become a first world country when we don't even treat our own citizens as first class?

  11. Anon 3:09,

    COntribute to what exactly? Contribute so that the rich get richer and you get poorer? Contribute more and more and get back less and less in return? And when you say "success of this country", i hope you weren't referring to the embillishments that you read in the daily press....

    And just who are you referring to when you say baggage? The elderly people who are left to collect cans so that they can feed themselves daily? The same people on whose back's Singapore was built in the first place?

    Or the people who gave up 2 years of their lives and who get disadvantaged because of it? Haven't they contributed enough? SHouldn't we thank them for their sacrifices and wish them the best in their future endeavours?

    I am sorry Sir, but your little rant stinks of elitism and an inability to appreciate the value of each and every Singaporean.

    Just cos once cannot/does not contribute to the economy does not mean that one should be considered baggage? What about the social contributions one can make? What about the basic right to exist? Is contributing to society a prerequisite for existing?

  12. hi packrat,

    welcome to the blog.

    yes, the view on why to stay needs to be further expanded. there must be reasons for us to want to stay other than pure economic reasons. it can be emotional or sentimental. but to many, this is all we have.

    and for the stayers, they need to participate more in the making of our future. they cannot remain voiceless as what some people would want them to be and let the minority decide what is best for them.

    they can join the ruling party or the opposition parties. whichever, they need to know what is best for themselves, decide for themselves and work towards them. the last thing is to do nothing and by default be lambs to the slaughter.

    anonymous 3:09 may not be a singaporean. and he is unlikely to be from the ruling party to taunt singaporeans to go away. it would be disastrous if this is the ruling party's position. unlikely. how many think it is possible?

    everyone contributes in one way or another, at one time or another like all of you said. are we so ruthless or are we so inanimate, to adopt a use and throw philosophy like cheap digital watches?

    we are dealing with people and lives. once not useful, get rid of them, or like i used to say, better to cull them huh?

  13. "anonymous 3:09 may not be a singaporean. and he is unlikely to be from the ruling party to taunt singaporeans to go away. it would be disastrous if this is the ruling party's position. unlikely. how many think it is possible?"

    Lately, some supporters from a particular party had taunt posters to stop whining and leave Sg if they were unhappy.

  14. Some parasites grow on trees and in time they think the tree belongs to them and try to prevent others from enjoying the fruits of the tree. When the tree dies, they just look for another tree, and they think they are very loyal subjects of the tree.

  15. This is very well-said. I concur. I don't necessary agree with everything that the government does, but as a Singaporean, I have a lot of feelings for this little island-state of ours, and I do want to see it become a better place to live - for everybody, rich or poor.

    "As citizens, it is our right to stay. And as responsible citizens, it is our right to demand changes for the betterment of country and people. Running away is not an option.

    Singaporeans must stay in this place they called home. This is where they belong. How and what shapes the country takes shall be decided by them, not by a few individuals.

    Singaporeans must be stayers, to redefine and rebuild the country to what they want. The country belongs to everyone who is a Singaporean."

  16. hi qq*librarian,

    welcome to the blog.

    the message that this island belongs to everyone of us must be made very clear. only when singaporeans understand and believe in this, will they want to get more involved in its well being, in defining what it should be and what path it should take.

    singaporeans are all very well educated. you do not need a rocket scientist to tell us what we want and what we think is best for us. we must speak up and tell the govt that these are the things we want and the Singapore we want.

    we are the rightful owners. please don't give our rights and ownership of this island away freely without our consent.

    all politicians will die. but their policies will remain and can inflicted severe damages and harm to the people now and tomorrow. our young and future generations must not be victims to short sighted policies that look for immediate gains but have long term adverse consequences.

  17. Hi Librarian "The country belongs to everyone who is a Singaporean.. "

    Do you recall speech.." NO Singaporean will missed out in opportunities if they are prepared to..." Said at the start and end somewhat similarly.

    Everyday we see Ah Peh & Ah Soh picking up waste paper and cans to make sense of their last few days in Singapore.

    You made a good motherhood statements - good to hear only. Quite same like the one made by David "Opportunities for ALL"

    I pray when you turned 60+ you will not be cursing and calling craps.

    For those who left. I hope their experience will be rich in different ways, this is my prayers.

  18. hi disillusion,

    welcome to the blog.

    this post is too far deep down and not many may read your post. the views of many of the young or the self assured would not see any poverty falling on them. so everything is rosy and pink.
