
The disaffected Singaporeans

After the front page news of Singaporeans being kept out by a niteclub in favour of foreigners, I was expecting more reactions from Singaporeans to stand up for their rights. Or at least there should be some letters appearing in the msm forum. Nothing. Singaporeans no longer bother about such stuff. Take their money, treat them life serfs, take away their rights, no sweat. They don't mean anything to them. Such an attitude of disinterest only shows that they do not identify with the things taken away. And you cannot take things away from them when they don't take ownership of them. Mentally or psychologically, they do not think they are the owners of this island anymore. This is also reflected by a recent blog on why doing NS did not make the blogger more Singaporean or wanted to defend Singapore. Singaporeans have given up on Singapore by default. They are treating this land of theirs like the guest workers, as a hotel. They probably will run or fly off when things are not going the way they want. If Singaporeans are feeling this way, soon any foreigners can walk into their HDB flats and ask them to get lost and they will. There is no belonging, no ownership and no commitment to anything here. With so many things happening that affect them directly, were there any reactions? No. Let it be. Singaporeans can be pushed around in Singapore by anyone. We have failed miserably in nation building. Or maybe that is not what that matters. Let it be. Let this island be a no man's land. Free for grab. When nothing matters, nothing matters.


  1. As much as I would like to disagree...I cannot help it but share the same sentiments as you, haiz...

  2. hi lilian,

    welcome to the blog.

    it is sad that singaporeans are giving away their island without a fight. i find it very impt for singaporeans to take ownership of this place, know that it is the only piece of rock that we own and that we can call it home. no where else can be the same. we must not give it away so easily.

    singaporeans must feel for this place, feel that they are the real owners and stamp their feet to protect their own right to this place. there must be pride in belonging.

    if we don't, our right to our own home will slowly be eroded away.

  3. Its quite ironic that the "nation building" press has contributed to this disconnection. Is it any wonder that people do not trust in the MSM anymore? When the fourth-estate should be defending our freedoms, it instead colludes to sell us fibs that leave us more and more fustrated.

    This fustration (of a lack of truth and visibility) just leads Singaporeans like myself to wonder why we should even bother anymore. The feeling that this country takes more and more from us and gives us back less and less each year is perpetuating. Its driving me away from my home, and that's the tragedy of all these "policies".

  4. in this case the msm has done the right thing, to highlight this discriminatory practice right below our nose.

    the depoliticisation of the people is a double edged sword. this is the price to pay when the people lost their sense of being and did not know how to react or just become zombies of sort.

  5. How to take ownership when this piece of rock doesn't belong to us but one famiLEE? How to change things when one famiLEE stands in the way? We want fewer FTs, they want more FTs...see what I mean.

  6. > They are treating this land of theirs like the guest workers, as a hotel. They probably will run or fly off when things are not going the way they want. <

    I fully support that attitude. I don't see why you have a problem with it.

    In fact, it is psychologically healthy to treat S'pore as a hotel, and not be too attached to it. Come on, S'pore as "unique" as it is, is only one such "unique" place in this fabulous planet. There are countless other interesting and "unique" places too, and because of wondeful transport and communications infrastructure, travel is piss-easy.

    National Day is coming up. I always know this without having to remember any dates because I get emails and phone calls in the months of May-July informing me that so-and-so from S'pore will be in Perth around August 9.

    Literally thousands of S'poreans exit S'pore over the National Day period.

    That's has to tell you something.

  7. matilah,

    this piece of rock is all many singaporeans have. sampai mati they will still be here. we need to protect it and our rights to be the owners of this rock.

    we have no where to run. and why should we run away from paradise?

  8. matilah,

    this piece of rock is all many singaporeans have. sampai mati they will still be here. we need to protect it and our rights to be the owners of this rock.

    we have no where to run. and why should we run away from paradise?

    we must guard it at all cost. we must not give it away without a fight.

  9. I tottaly agree. If you give a shit, protect your value. I don't give a shit -- I don't even vote. So it is:
    UP TO ==> YOU <== .

    Talking cock on the net won't do it. wishing and hoping and complaining won't do it. S'poreans by and large DO NOT want to change their country. In fact, it is the govt who is doing the changing.

    I don't see any Singaporeans jumping up to "save their precious piece of rock".

    Therefore redbean, you are a minority ("Oracles") who can see the truth, or just a deluded soul jumping at shadows and warning people that "the sky is falling". ;)

  10. Yep. It all depends on the individual :X

    To break thy soul or not, that is... ...

  11. I don't care a damn shit if more foreigners were to invade places like St Paul or St Peters or St Patricks. We are no Saints, man!

  12. If this piece of rock is becoming more like a hotel where anyone and everyone can just come to stay, Singaporeans are not going to jump up to save this piece of rock that is for sure.

  13. i don't care. this is the increasing trend. can't blame the singaporeans. also, singaporeans are encouraged to make money and don't care.

    the only time they want singaporeans to care and to speak out is when there is an attack on our judiciary. then people will start to complain that singaporeans are apathetic and apolitical.

  14. That is exactly the problem wih this country now and the consequences can only be felt years down the road.

    The people are indeed becoming more and more apathetic and apolitical the result of, I must say, design and conditioning. This suits the ruling elites perfectly because it makes citizens compliant and sheepish, and thus easy to control and govern, but it also makes them unpatriotic and disaffected. That's the reality.

  15. the foreigners or new citizens will help the island to grow, and help themselves to it. it will belong to them in times to come.

  16. What's wrong with that? Nearly all of us are of immigrant stock. Our forebears were "foreigners" who made S'pore their home.

    I say, lay down a welcome mat for these people!
