
Cyberspace is No Man's Land

The internet is in virtual space and does not belong to anyone or any govt. Do not assume that it belongs to the govt. Once you adopted that position, you are conceding cyberspace to the govt. What is important is not to be seditious, don't commit crime, or cause racial or religious strife. Some may want to be scandalous or libellious. Go ahead and face the consequences if one has the money to take on anyone in the courts of law. Other than violating other people's right, the internet is fair game and should be left that way. Live and post freely and abide by some reasonable moral codes of decency. I think that should be good enough. Why invite the govt to impose laws to regulate your rights and freedom of expression? Never surrender your rights voluntarily for no good reasons. Any addition rules or laws on the internet is one law too many.


  1. Those fellows are creating bridges for the invaders to enter the free world. They believe in the government too much.

    All the government wanted is control, not free speech.


  2. May I just plagiarize "the internet should be left alone". And add 'be free'.


  3. This is just the kind of trap some people are setting for themselves. The Government is keenly waiting for someone to come up with some kind of regulatory body, and they will attempt to control that body by proxy, by placing somebody of their own in charge, eventually. Have we not learnt our lessons with such bodies as NTUC, Case, Law Society etc. This is like walking into a trap voluntarily. Maybe the people pushing for the regulations are paid to get the job done by you know who, so that the intervention would not appear to be so obvious.

  4. "The Government is keenly waiting for someone to come up with some kind of regulatory body, and they will attempt to control that body by proxy, by placing somebody of their own in charge, eventually."

    YOu are damn right. The first time use someone outsider and hold him responsbile, and when cockup happen, quickly remove him and replace with a minister and then use MSM to quote million and one reasons why minister and government must control the net !

    We citizen should know better !

  5. Darkness is right. The internet should be left alone. That means govt and even this committee those bloggers like YB and Cherian George are trying to set up should just hands off.


    Da man said everything I wanted to say.

    The internet should be left alone.

  6. hi patriot, thanks for your comment. how come i can't see 'darkness'? or is it too bright here?

    anyway, welcome darkness, to the darkside : )

  7. Redbean;
    glad to have your article for reading.

    You asked where Darkness, although I knew nothing, I think Darkness is slowly and steadily covering this city state called Sg.

    We will see Darkness but hopefully not so dark that we cannot see the real faces of some people leading us.


  8. hi patriot,

    let me quote something, 'you may not see my face, for anyone who sees may shall not live.' Exodus.

  9. redbean;
    die we shall, the natural way.
    Not the way another wants.

    See the real faces and sleeps contentedly, even if the sleep is forever. At least the eyes will not remain open and the soul infuriated.

    My own simple thinking, not as deep as the grave.


  10. there are many aspects of politics and many aspects of a person. one can look at the bigger picture and the smaller picture. one can be personal or objective.

    and we can like and admire a man for many things and don't like him for as many things. it is not a case of black and white.

    we can agree with someone on some issues. and we can disagree with that someone on other issues. this is an important position to take. many got lost in becoming too personal that they refused to see things objectively but personally. that is unhealthy.
