
Mahathir resigned from UMNO

What is he up to? Is he saying that if he is out and down, everyone, including UMNO must also be dragged down? I think it is a very irresponsible act for Mahathir to do. With this move, UMNO if finished. Just 20 or 30 candidates to follow him and Mahathir would have deliver UMNO to Anwar on a silver platter. But that is beside the point. UMNO will henceforth become a small and inconsequential race party, and soon be forgotten to history. It will be a has been, for the oldies to recollect their memorie of its former glorious days. But might as well. He has paved the way for UMNO's destruction for 22 years. Might as well take the honour to hammer the nails into the coffin.


  1. This is what he does when he is not finding faults with his own.
    Sounds like a troubled mind?

  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OSjgOcFdI9Y

  3. He's just putting pressure on Badawi to resign. Just a dotard craving attention.

  4. No surprise that he is doing what he is doing. He likes publicity thats for sure. Some people grow old gracefully, some disgracefully.

  5. He enrolled in University in Singapore an an Indian/Muslim. Yet he is now a Malay and not an Indian although his father was one. The Johor Sultan called him a Mamak. The British policies he was so much against, he himself propagate when it suits him. This man did nothing for Malaysia and Malaysians and his legacies are white elephants, cronyism, corruption and the undermining of the judicial integrity amongst many others. During his tenure, the States of Sabah and Sarawak were inundated with foreign Muslims who were given Malaysian citizenships in order to increase the percentage of the Malay/Muslim population living there. This, so UMNO can oust what was then the local political party in power during that period.

    This man is dangerous and like a cornered rat he is doing his utmost to destroy his adversary and UMNO itself is facing political wilderness in time to come. Is it any wonder, we as the common people, realised how dirty politics can be and can even lead to murder and mayhem? We know too this is so in Singapore although not evident, but it still exists. The latest being this video One Nation Under Lee which I understand is being investigated. When I see what is happening in Malaysia, I feel really depressed about what is happening here in Singapore as we are not much better off. At least in Malaysia change is happening, whereas here, the future appears bleak.

  6. do not despair. change is the only constant in life. everything will change. historically, even the most despotic regime will change when time is ripe.

    who would believe USSR will break up? who will believe that umno is being threatened of oblivion? who would believe that the usa will lose its number one power status? who would believe that the sick man of asia is now the second most powerful country next to the usa?

    nothing is permanent.

  7. I watched the One Nation Under Lee video. It's even worse than socialist, or communist propaganda. Honest Productions was dishonest about a lot of the stuff which was in the video, with plenty of inflammatory, insinuating language in there.

    I'm not pro-PAP btw.

  8. Not troubled mind nor craving for attention. Its a strategy to clear obstacles for hair apparently.

  9. It would have been easier he just stayed on as a something nice sounding minister to bludgeon his successor into skin and bone pulps that is more interesting than the thrilla in manila.

  10. Of all the statists and despots either living or dead, I have a warm place in my heart for Mahathir.

    For one thing, the man is genuinely funny. He has a scornful, wicked sense of humour -- speaks his mind without any regard for people's feelings (in many circumstances, a sterling trait of character), and he always has a knife to twist as he delivers his "punchlines" (in his case they should be named "stablines"...)

    If Dr M is willing to send one of the MIGs on a sortie, armed of course, I'll be willing to paint a target on UMNO HQ to assist the (minority race) pilot in making sure he drops the bombs on the precise "objective".


  11. But he seems like a very unhappy man, very different and sadder each day, more nonsense and shit. On the contrary, Badawi and Anwar look more radiant and happy than ever before. Increasingly, this is looking like a battle between light and darkness...

  12. "During his tenure, the States of Sabah and Sarawak were
    inundated with foreign Muslims who were given Malaysian
    citizenships in order to increase the percentage of the
    Malay/Muslim population living there."

    Haiyah, LKY also import foreign Chinese into Singapore to counter the higher birth rate of a certain minority community. Sama sama lah.

  13. red bean, I would not get my hopes up. Anwar is very well-known for hot air. After he was sacked, he told Malaysians he's got twelve boxes of documents hidden in Indonesia that can take down the entire Malaysian Cabinet then. After ten years, we Malaysians are still waiting for him to reveal those documents. Also, Pakatan Rakyat is relying on him too much, and he is already in his 60s and a very medically threatening back injury sustained from when he was beaten up by the former IGP in jail. Anything happens to him, and PR will fall like tenpins. There is still much mistrust between PAS and DAP, and word on the ground is that PAS is now warming up to co-operating with UMNO to preserve Malay political power. It's not over by a long shot.

  14. you are right. the situation in malaysia is very fluid and changing everyday. after all his baptism of fire, anwar may become a better politician. yes the coalition depends too much on him. he can be assasinated and everything goes.

  15. and welcome to the blog, dot.

    thought i have seen your post earlier.


  16. Also, applying the WIIFM test to the UMNO MPs just does not add up. If they cross over and help Anwar and PR take over the Fed govt, they are unlikely to get the lion's share of the spoils as Pakatan have to give the plum positions to their own. Not to mention the current Pakatan MPs will be very distructful of these frog MPs. In the end, all Malaysians end up with is a weak central govt that is prone to infighting. I would rather have a reformed UMNO and BN than a fragile PR coalition for a Federal govt.

  17. i share your view of the current bunch of UMNO politicians. i don't think they will change much even if they cross over. in his latest speech, anwar is talking about the BN component parties in east malaysia. i think they are a safer bet.

  18. Anwar is not going to get much headway in Sarawak where Taib Mahmud has an iron grip on the state BN there. Sabah is a possibility, but UMNO still makes up a majority of the MPs from the Sabah BN. If only the non-UMNO BN MPs in Sabah cross over, Anwar will still not have enough to topple the BN Fed govt.

  19. what we are witnessing in malaysia now is the forces of change. everything is thrown onto the table and how it will end up is anyone's guess.

    the only hope is that malaysia should not go back to the days of mahathir and umno madness. and hopefully it will be a more equitable society.

  20. Hi red bean. Yes, I posted on your blog long time back. I am a Malaysian Chinese who used to work in Singapore, but have since moved out of your red 'paradise'. Cost of living there has risen up to ridiculous levels, and then a good offer came from overseas, just in the nick of time :)

  21. good for you dot.

    paradise is getting too expensive and lesser people will benefit from staying here. the gods are getting richer and happier while the angels are working harder. then the people that came to paradise may think it is getting to be more like hell.

  22. Anwar is very well-known for hot air. After he was sacked, he told Malaysians he's got twelve boxes of documents hidden in Indonesia that can take down the entire Malaysian Cabinet then. After ten years, we Malaysians are still waiting for him to reveal those documents.

    I would be absolutely naive to think that things were indeed so simple. That he didnt do it doesnt simply mean he was bluffing or lying. If he draws out those documents, can you guarantee that he wont be charged for revealing state secrets or something worse?

  23. After what he had gone through, what else can be worse ? Are you Malaysian ? If you are not, then it is obvious you don't know the real Anwar. He is far from being the saviour that he is currently made out to be. I dare say his skeletons can easily fill twelve closets.

  24. Red bean, Singapore still good place to work and earn money, just not good place to live what with the high COL. However, it's not a good place for SIngaporeans who have no where else to go. Really pity them. My former Singaporean colleagues every day also kao bei kao bu like you, but in the end deep down they know they just have to cop it as things are not going to change. Lucky I am not Singaporean, hehe.

  25. we kpkb here like sitting in a kopitiam in cyberspace. not necessary that things are that bad in paradise for many of the people. ok, some are really feeling the pinch now.

    we kpkb and pray that things don't get worst. and we must kpkb if things are not right. that is our right. the politicians are only temporary housekeepers. they don't own this piece of rock. it belongs to every citizen. pr excluded. this right must be made known and people, esp the politicians, must be reminded of it.

    don't they xiao xiao think they own this place, including owning the people and the people's money.

  26. about anwar's skeleton, no big deal. everyone got skeletons. only two kinds of people or inhumans got no skeleton. god and the devils. they are just spirits if you want to believe them.

    any human bean has the audacity to declare that he has no skeleton?

    but that is beside the point. as a politician he is expected to deliver what he promises to deliver. there is the politician anwar and the private individual anwar.

  27. You are right red bean. It boils down to a question of whwther he can be trusted to deliver what he has promised. Going by his track record, I, for one, do not. He did his utmost to undermine Chinese schools during his tenure as Education Minister, by changing the Education Act to allow him to unilaterally close down any vernacular school and also transfer in non-Manadarin speaking headmasters to CHinese schools. He has been described as a political chameleon, and that description fits him to the tee.

  28. Red bean, you have to accept that LKY and his family and friends own Singapore lah. What you described applies to other countries but not your little red paradise. That's why they coin the phrase "Uniquely Singapore", mah. Bo pian, one.

  29. Quote:

    "Haiyah, LKY also import foreign Chinese into Singapore to counter the higher birth rate of a certain minority community. Sama sama lah."

    That is a very simplistic statement to compare the two nations. What happened in Malaysia was more convoluted then that. Firstly, bringing in and giving citizenships to Muslims of Malay stock, most of them from dubious backgrounds. Unlike Singapore who vets and approved individual cases, these people were from villagers, poor and not highly educated. Singapore does not import, but allows foreigners from approved countries to emigrate and make a home in Singapore. If you say most emigrants to Singapore are Chinese, you may be right because Singapore do have a population mainly of Chinese ethnicity. If you say LKY allows and encourage only Chinese to emigrate to Singapore, I believe that is a wrong statement.

    Furthermore, there have been reports that said the Abu Sayef were roped in to recruit these people and because Malaysia reneged on the payment, the Abu Sayef kidnapped several Malaysians and foreigners to force the Malaysian Government to pay their dues. It could be as true as the story of someone from a Royal household that killed a caddy with his golf club.

    Anything from Malaysia Boleh.

  30. Semantics, my friend. The intent in both cases is still the same, and that is getting/encouraging people of a certain ethnicity into the country to ensure that ethnic group makes up the majority of the population. The tea lady at my office is a Chinese from PRC, and she has just got her Singapore citizenship. I guess making tea is now classified as a skill that is so much in demand in Singapore that they need to import them from overseas :P

  31. Therefore immigration datas should be made fully transparent to all, as it concerns everyone. Where they are people who we will defend in crisis, we have the right to know. Also, those no strings attached scholarships and freebies bursaries we have too generously dished out to high population countries like china, vietnam and indonesia, shouldnt that be made transparent as well? Becos the monies came from our pockets!

  32. until matilah's new hypothesis of a world without nation state and colour blind, political power is based not so much on merit but on the numbers of interest groups, be it racial, religious or tribals.

    the racial composition of the various groups and their numbers will be balanced to keep the status quo. this is my observation. the majority fears that losing this balance, the change will be too precarious for their own interest and they might even be driven out, or like in malaysia, becomes a whipping boy, always on the wrong side of the stick. no majority group will want to risk losing their position of dominance and ended up at the mercy of a new group.

    but knowing the mentality of singaporeans, it is possible. the majority could become the minority and eventually live under the mercy of a new majority.

    it can happen, though not now. politics is politics.
