
Notable quote: Lee Hsien Loong

'In fact, if we test people's understanding of policies, I think even news workers and PAP MPs might not pass.' Lee Hsien Loong I agree with Hsien Loong. Things are getting too complicated for people to understand them. Many take things at face value if we read the remarks of the complacent Singaporeans in msm and cyberspace. Everything is so simple and easy to understand. Real issues go far beneath what we see and read. As for news workers and MPs, quite expected.


  1. There you have it. PAP MPs not understanding PAP policies. How then can they be expected to represent the people who voted for them? No wonder he is still looking for a successor. At this rate hmmm....

  2. Perhaps they're not being paid enough. If we up their money again, maybe they can afford to take night-classes to brush up on their education, so that eventually they will be able to understand.

  3. We say what we mean and we mean what we say. Before the next GE we will probably loose our right to say our piece of brutal truth on the internet.

  4. And that would serve all you fucked-in-the-head Sheeple right.

    If you are not going to simply go against authority and claim your right to self-ownership for yourself, then you are going to live forever under the yoke of some "authority" who presumes to be "better" for you than yourself.

    Good luck!
