
The new agenda

Worst recession is coming, tighten belt, prepare for more retrenchment. And the new catchphrase is frugality. The Ah Sohs have been interviewed and appeared on TV talking about cutting down on their expenses, checking prices and go for the cheapest food stuff. Everyone is worried and is saving every cent they could. What, a few months back we were clapping and cheering that we are living in our golden years. Or was it a golden mirage? Why everything is so gloomy and dark? Don't be deceived by such thoughts. Many are still buying the new Ferrari or Lamborghini or the new pleasure boat just because it is a new model. And they already have a few in their garages or in the marina clubs. Many are living the Swiss standard of living and all these little increases in petrol or rice is of no significance. It only affects the Ah Peks and Ah Sohs in the hardlands. While we should be happy for those who are having a good time, lets do something for these hardlanders when living is really going to get worst. What is the point of saving a few cents or a few dollars when one admission into a hospital could wipe out their life savings? Why still insist that people must pay for the most expensive wards that they are deemed to be able to afford? Lets be frugal. Frugality is good. Lets put it into practice. People who want to save every cent must be encouraged to do so. Provide more C wards and do away with the mean thing.


  1. It's the usual time of the year to run fear factor, but come September or October, they will be singing the praises again about the economy. Why? Because it is the time to declare big bonuses for themselves. Some things are so predictable, even the Ah Peks and Ah Sohs can understand.

  2. All recessions eventually pass.

    It wasn't too long ago people were rubbing their hands in glee--record stock market price levels, en bloc sales which made many people cash rich, employers bidding up the price of wages... People were happily enjoying the boom times.

    > Many are still buying the new Ferrari or Lamborghini or the new pleasure boat just because it is a new model. <

    That's just the way it rolls. Some people are better at making money than others, and therefore will have more money than others. They also made it a point to be financially independent so that they're protected against recessionary times, better than most others.

    > lets do something for these hardlanders when living is really going to get worst. <

    Getting rid of govt interference in healthcare would be the most LOGICAL solution. But no one has the BALLS to do this.

    With a totally open and free private health care market, prices would FALL.

  3. Brace for tougher times ahead.. says MAS. Singapore have keen rivals when it comes to attracting investments. ++ changover @ White house. Will its downturn cause Asia to be hit? By how much? ++ Tony Tan worst case scenario.

    GIC had lost 24% of its investment in UBS up to tune of approx 2.64 billions in swiss frances. How much is this in SIN dollars?

  4. good times and bad times are now swinging like the stock market. one day up one day down.

    as for tomorrow, everyone is talking like an analyst.
