
Mas Selamat Kastari can survive for a long time

Survival experts claimed that Mas Selamat could survive a long time in our forest reserves on fruits and small animals. That's not very comforting. It is almost one week. Think he might find the wild fruits and wildlife taste pretty jerlat by now. A pot of hot lemak curry and fried chicken might be heavenly to him. It might be a good idea to place a nice food spread on the fringe of the forest. Anyone know what is his favourite food? Easier than searching for him in the thick forests. : ) I got this funny feeling that while the commotion is all in the nature reserves and parks, he could be watching television somewhere in the comfort of civilisation.


  1. I seriously doubt he is in a jungle. He's probably in Aust by now - where even fruit-cake radical Islam is "protected" by law.

    Allah Akhbar!

  2. His favourite food could be redbean soup lah! No need hot lemak curry, which will make him 'lao sai'. The cops will smell him out for sure.

  3. Just one of the spins the government uses to suggest that the search may be prolonged and it is not the government's fault (lack of hunting skills) that they cannot find the fugitive, it is because MSK has better jungle survival skills than Rambo.

    Why don't WKS said this directly, instead of using the media again? If you notice, everything real or speculative is going through the media.

    No one minister dares to say anything concrete! Not even PM, MM, SM.

  4. ya hor. how come i never think of that? redbean soup brewing.

  5. it is very interesting to see how this case is being managed. you can read many things in between the lines.

  6. like, for example?

  7. aiya, many singaporeans dont like to think one. msk will be "caught" and the operation stand down when bn win the election.

  8. The election is on Saturday, so that means msk will be caught on Sunday. So redbean, don't waste your time brewing your redbean soup lah!

  9. i didn't see the correlation with the election. ok if he is caught you can all share my redbean soup also. ;)
