
Mas Selamat has done it

No, he has not blown up any air planes or buildings. But for just hiding in the unknown, Mas Selamat has created havoc to the lives of many on both sides of the causeway. The security forces, the lorry and bus drivers, the school children and the shopkeepers in Woodland, plus the suppliers of our food and vegetables across the causeway, are all suffering. Their businesses and livelihood are all hanging in the balance until Mas Selamat is caught. Then, with the delays and slowdown in goods vehicles coming through, the prices of basic items are also shooting up. Now who is paying for these and being badly affected by the higher prices? Practically every hardlanders. It is very costly, I must say.


  1. the msm can always cook up some pictures, doctors them and published them like they did for the tibetan riots. and the world will believe in them.

  2. Just like the WMD in Iraq. Now they are cooking up the same menu for Iran.

  3. That's perfectly ok with me. I never believe the main stream media anyway.

    Huge profits are made from selling bad news to keep the people in fear. The more scared and agitated people are, the more they'll watch CNN et al and buy newspapers, allowing main stream media companies to increase the 'value' of their product and services and thus charge more and more to advertisers who sell thier goods to a hypnotised, fearful, shallow population.

    Actually, come to think of it, it works really well!
