
Prepare people to die

I believe it is kinder to prepare people to die or to accept death once they have past 70 years than to prepare them to live forever. The later could be more pain and suffering, loneliness and a life of physical deprivation. Only the very rich, with all the filial children around them could enjoy life forever. Death is a certainty. Once 70 is reached, biologically we are gone. All the parts needs to be changed or we will look worst than scrap cars in the junk yard. Face it, old people will be a problem to themselves, their families and society unless they are physically able to live life on their own. We should prepare and educate people to accept that the time will come to depart. The fantasy of living past 80 and forever is not a good thing to many. It can be very tragic even with $600 pm. What for? Live a glorious life. Let the end be fast and swift, with little pain.


  1. > We should prepare and educate people to accept that the time will come to depart. <

    Wah. Who are you dude? The fucking "enlightened sage of the universe"?

  2. i am what i am. amen.

    the masses are the easiest to con. anyone in a position of power will be able to make them believe in anything, like living to 100 and be very happy.

    yes, today i am the sage if you want to believe so : ) and the fking sage can only be found in soi cowboy.

  3. Whoa reddie, by your account the Menacing Monster would now be 'biologically gone'. Are you sure about that ? Why don't you put on knuckle dusters and meet him in a cul-de-sac ? Then come back here and tell us if he really is biologically gone ?
