
More Parliament gems

Judy Mitchell must be told the brutal truth. If cannot afford to stay in 5 rm, downgrade lah. Go for 4 rm, 3rm or even rental flats. Live within your means and affordability. Simple. Now who is going to tell her that? Who is good at telling brutal truth? I am only good at talking about compassion, kindness, help the needy etc etc. But these are only rhetorics in cyberspace. Just talk cock only. Can't do anything for them. What, I don't have that kind of money, and that's the truth. And Lily Neo is fighting for the lower income group again. She is appealing for more help for them. She said we can't keep telling these untalented people to keep running faster. We need to train them and help them to upgrade. That's true. If they can, they would not need help anymore. But what do they expect, to become managers, CEOs or Ministers? Just kidding.


  1. i find it strange that out of thousands of real needy and poor one, two roomers in singapore, an articulate english speaking five roomer was chosen to be interviewed/ aired amidst colorful decor and nice furnishings. i thought the message was quite slanted and weird, definitely not representative of the typical hands-to-mouth down and out singaporean. next time they cud show someone chomping a cigar with a glass of fine wine next to his piano, complaining about their misfortune in singapore...

  2. you got your point. the tooth is that this is a typical singaporean poor, maybe.

  3. Lily Neo fighting for the downtrodden ? Don't make me laugh. She wouldn't know a pauper from Paris Hilton.

  4. not necessary true though. Zhou En Lai betrayed his bourgeoisie class to become a communist.

    to empathise for the poor is not the privilege of the poor. a good heart can come from a rich man and also from a poor man. but what is important is that anyone who does not care for the people should not be in political office. and for those who are putting on a show, they will slip and reveal their true self. and if they continue to stay in political office, they will become a joke to themselves and the party they represent.

  5. Singapore is world class, wah!
    As claimed, of course.

    Even the poor they also want to protrait as world class too.

    This is the New Poor as defined by the government. This is what you have to hear when the salary is $2.2 million.

  6. Lily is still part of the bourgeoisie class. If she really wants to be a champion of the people, quit playing this bogus 'we care for the people' charade in Parliament, do the honourable thing and leave the morally bankrupt regime. Unless, she does that, her words, no matter how powerful they may be, will only ring hollow.

  7. there are good and bad people everywhere, in every organisations.

  8. It's just that majority of the bad people here is concentrated within the ranks of the ruling political elite, their relatives and cronies. No matter how good you are, if you keep company with bandits and crooks, sooner or later you will become one yourself.
