
Things are getting brighter

This morning I work up with an urge, to take a law degree. With Singaporeans all getting richer and smarter, their reputation will also grow in stature. And they will have to protect their big reputation at all cost. Any slight will be enough reason to start a liber suit against another party. With this kind of development, litigation lawyers are going to have a ball. And it is an honourable profession, protecting the honour of all the rich and respectable Singaporeans. I will look forward to the day when the rich beggars will hire a lawyer to defend their reputation should anyone say anything bad about beggars. But let me register myself to the law school first. I am going to start practising at the age of 85, as a lawyer.


  1. > And it is an honourable profession <

    Since when?

    Singapore is becoming more and more litigious. And having "defamation laws" on the books is nothing other than a govt-created "free-opportunity" for the govt-protected monopolistic cartel - the legal system.

  2. I never supported such easy loose-guns on defamation shooting in court.

    Things have become ridiculous in a scale never seen or understood before.

    Reddie, behold to an imminent fight between the immoral rich and the desperate poor. The battle ground: Singapore. Hahaha...

    Mr Tony Tan's got alot more to worry about than inflation and GIC.

    This rich poor gap is getting crazy.

  3. Becos Tony Tan shouldn't be someone who wanna see Singapore sink further. Hahaha...

    所谓的匹夫有责. Not to mention, he oredi 三朝元老.

    He not worried, then who worry?
