
HDB prices up by 31%!

Bee tang! All Singaporean HDB heartlanders must cheer for this piece of good news. The value of their flats has gone up like in the 1990 property booms. But better don't rush to sell it off yet. For one must be able to buy another place to live in. Probably not enough to buy a new one. But it may be good to know that the asset is worth more. Can use it as a trade off against the compulsory annuity scheme? Singaporeans are now asset rich again.


  1. Who says you have to buy another pigeon hole ? Take the money and scoot off to greener pastures. That would be how a winner thinks. Only a brainwashed sinkie would think of trading one overpriced pigeon hole for another.

  2. Gotta agree with you. Sell high and then buy high is not a very smart move. It also doesn't matter what you then buy coz every property class in sinkieland is overpriced, nto just the pigeon holes.

  3. How ungracious!! You are told that your property is worth more. Instead of jubilation, all you can do is pour cold water on the happy news. You people are never satisfied. If that is all you can do, then by all means sell up and leave !! Don't need people with such doom and gloom attitute.

  4. Oi Anon 1.03, use your blain can or not. What is there to be happy about if you only own one stinking pigeon hole ? Those who would be really on clud nine would be those who can either move back in with parents or own another property. If I sell my pigeon hole to realise the 'gains', where do we live ?

  5. Ai ya, GST up, electricity up, transport up, don't tell me property tax next to go up. Can't tahan leow. wanted to sell my only 3 room HDB flat because pay not stable, head just above water. one more pebble on me, i definely sink. before being drowned later on, need to look into options ; like buying a mobile tents and a bike to squad in the parks. If still cannot,copied-cat robin hood to rob the rich LOL.
