
Taxi fares must go up

With the high operating cost, higher fuel prices etc, it is so unreal to expect taxi drivers to continue to drive their taxis at the same fare. And it is also well acknowledged that our taxi fares are too low compare to the big cities. How can public transport like MRT and buses be allowed to keep going up but not for taxis? If there is any compulsion to keep fares affordable, it must be MRT and buses as these are used by the workers whose income have actually gone down quite badly due to all the increases. There are hundreds and one reasons to support taxi fare hike. One of which is that it is a more than just a means of transport. It is a luxury in a way compares to buses and MRT. We should see the flag down fare increase to $10. That would make taxi driving as a job more attractive and cut down on all the other schemes. And it can do away with all the charges and surcharges. $10 flag down rate is the way to go.


  1. If taxi-fares don't go up, how can they justify further increases in MRT and bus fares? Taxi-fares must go up higher so that MRT and bus fares by comparison becomes very 'affordable'.

  2. i am sick of this fucking issue. nothing seems to be rectified with the problem worsening...

  3. i am also sick lah, we pay the world's highest dollars for our ministers and still they cannot solve this taxi's problems for many donkey's years. shame on them for not performing.

  4. The problem will never be solved, not when NTUC and other connected parties are involved because after every taxi-fare increase they will then have justification to raise the taxi rental charges. The circle just goes around and you know just who laughs all the way to the bank. Same with traffic jams and ERP. Killing the goose that laid the golden eggs? Never!

  5. Sooner or later the free market will cut in. artificially keeping prices low leads to all sorts of supply problems, and untoward human behaviour — like touting.

    The People Get The Government They Deserve.

  6. let's be kind to the taxi drivers lah. they need to give their dependents a good life too. that is why i suggested a flag down rate of $10.

    they happy, taxi operators also happy.

  7. Instead of increase in Taxi fare I think they can decrease some costs for taxi drivers for example road tax for taxi driver or other specific charges in this business to support drivers in this time.

    Increasing of taxi fare is not a good solution while poeple have few choices in Singapore for transportation.

  8. foreign workers can drive the taxis and charge even lower fares. should bring in more foreign workers as taxi drivers.
