
A simple new year wish

How I wish that the transport policies will encourage social and extended family activities among Singaporeans and residents. We need policies that will promote Singaporeans socialising, visiting parents, relatives and friends without having to pay to do these leisure and human things. The policies of parking at home, in HDB estates and private estates must be reviewed. Stop drawing more white lines, yellow lines and all kinds of lines to make people pay more while making social visits. The current policies is saying, hide in your own little space and don't move. You move you pay. You better not go and see your parents or friends. Visiting is discourage. But if we don't charge for parking all the carparks will be overparked. No one will want to leave. True. Why do we need to cram so many people in this little piece of rock?


  1. Wishful thinking is more like it. There's just no incentive to stop raking in money, what more when it is easy money.

  2. Even if you don't drive, the parking fees will be raised higher and higher when demand exceeds supply if most people are content to buy a car and park at home, and there you are, another money making plan. You move you pay, you don't move you also pay. This is after all a 'pay and pay' country now.

  3. there is an urgent need to do away with all the anti social policies in the transport ministry.

    you cannot visit your parents or friends without having to pay for it.

  4. Of course social activities are possible if you are an elite, you do not have to pay to park as you whole extended family lives with houses with guarded driveways..

  5. > Why do we need to cram so many people in this little piece of rock? <

    "WE" don't "need" to do jack-shit.

    No one (except those in jail and in NS) is in S'pore against their will. People relocate to S'pore because they have their reasons—mainly economic and lifestyle.

    > We need policies that will promote Singaporeans socialising, visiting parents, relatives and friends without having to pay to do these leisure and human things . <

    What? And the people providing these goods and services (i.e. transport and parking) have to provide it for FREE?

    Is everyone in S'pore who wants to visit their kin or pursue leisure activities an economic basket-case and charity beggar ?
