
Malaysians marched in protest

It is unusual for such a huge turnout of mass protest against the Malaysian govt and the political system. 50,000 protesters, many dressed in royal yellow as a sign of respect to the royalties, marched to the palace to hand in a protest note to the king for political reform. The official press put the number as 10,000. Never believe in the numbers provided by the official press. What is happening to Malaysia? Has the system got so rotten that the people are rising to call for a change? Apparently, from all the happenings and reports, corruption in the system has reached a point that it is an open secret. The country is disintegrating in the hands of politicians who only know how to politic and line their pockets and nothing else. The Malaysians are so fed up with the politicians that they are siding with the royalties and pleading to the royalties to take a more active role in its politics. This is something unheard off in the past 30 years. The politicians are cornered. Their political gimmicks and games designed for their own aggrandizement have been exposed. The ground has shifted and a dramatic change of events is taking shape for a new Malaysia and a new social contract. If that is the message of this latest protest.


  1. A constitutional monarchy can be a lot "safer" than a democracy-driven republic, especially if the monarch is "wise" and "understanding", i.e. a "good" king or queen.

  2. monarchy, democracy, communism, dictatorship, it is the leader that determines the quality of life of the people.

  3. "monarchy, democracy, communism, dictatorship, it is the leader that determines the quality of life of the people."

    How true. Best redbean quote.

  4. "monarchy, democracy, communism, dictatorship, it is the leader that determines the quality of life of the people."

    How true. Best redbean quote.

  5. at the other extreme, there will be enterprising people that thrives under any system, even system of oppression and exploitation. they just join in the oppression and exploitation.
