
Notable quotes - Eng Hen

I was reading Eng Hen's views on political renewal reported by Lynn Lee. He shared his thoughts on the recruiting process and that PAP was wary of those too eager to please. After the lengthy article came this quote at the end that is hardly related to the renewal process but the effectiveness of blogs. 'Progress will not be marked by the pings of a thousand hits on your blog, but from quiet yet determined voices willing to work for a better tomorrow.' Ng Eng Heng What is he saying? Bloggers are ineffective and does not contribute anything to society nor do they do anything useful. Or perhaps he is telling those young and aspiring politicians who blogged, that they are wasting their time. People like Goh Meng Seng and those at TOC should take note and stop blogging. They should go about quietly to do something for society without creating all the din in cyberspace. The question I would like to ask is whether the compulsory annuity scheme and the delay withdrawal age would have been pushed through if not of the noises in cyberspace. Or would the further study on the proposals a result of msm and grassroot feedback that make the govt do a rethink?

1 comment:

  1. > 'Progress will not be marked by the pings of a thousand hits on your blog, but from quiet yet determined voices willing to work for a better tomorrow.' Ng Eng Heng < (Emphasis is mine)

    The PM-in-waiting is not my favourite guy, but personal feelings aside, I agree with him 100%.

    You can't get anywhere by venting your spleen on the internet.

    You get change by Human Action—directed toward specific, definite goals.

    The blogsphere is great for shooting off one's mouth. suffice it to say, I use it for that purpose, and that purpose alone. I couldn't care less if the world changes to suit me or not, because life is GREAT, and when you are FREE, you are in-charge of your own existence, and experience.

    > Bloggers are ineffective and does not contribute anything to society nor do they do anything useful. <

    In the political context, yes. 100% correct. If you want change, it comes from a ground swell of collective human spirit and consciousness, transmuted into ACTION.

    No action in the real world, no change. It's as simple as that.
