
No questions from Singaporeans?

MM had a forum with the students at NTU and out of 9 questions asked, only two came from Singaporeans. And he asked, 'Are there no Singaporeans who want to ask questions?' Now, should he be worried or happy that Singaporeans don't ask questions? Does he know the answer or does he not? It is common knowledge among Singaporeans that they are being watched. The lack of participation in this forum speaks loudly of how Singaporeans feel about speaking out. And it is better to be safe than sorry. And this is an unique quality that Singaporeans shall cherished as it has taken us so far, so progressive and materially comfortable. We shouldn't be worried about Singaporeans not thinking and asking questions. The govt is doing all the thinking for them.


  1. How dare we question?

    One of my children is supposed to perform at the Istana, 2 days b4 the performance, she was informed that she is a security risk.

    She came home telling "爸爸我是小孩子,不是恐怖分子", why did they stop me from going to the performance?

    Possible reason, the father always like to comment on the internet about government policies.

    How dare we question again, how dare we ever use our true identity???

    How dare we let anyone know that we are Singaporean when the family becomes a security risk in their own country.... sigh....

  2. tell you a joke lah, when smart singaporeans went oversea for tour or visit, if asked where they are from usually they said from malaysia or china lah. this is to get lower charge and not to get pontong like robert.

    lky shouldn't asked lah, all singaporean will denied. he should asked show me your pink IC. ha ha ha

  3. i think the students were just too respectful and did not want to ask embarrassing questions.

  4. And that's not "normal". The point of being a kid is to be the moral compass for the adults, and ask them the hard, often "embarrassing" questions!

    In a western country, you may rest assured that if you talk to a bunch of young people, you will be taken to task by intense interrogation.

    I speak from experience.
