
Good acts and good intentions

When too much goodness turns bad. That is how mankind will eventually destroy itself. That is how Singapore too will follow the same road. Today we praise the great achievements of medicine and technology to extend life. We live with great hope and exciting anticipation of life at 100. Thanks to our high standard and quality of life and health system. All these means one thing. We are defying nature, the law of nature in self renewal. Nature must wear. Nothing is forever and must not be kept forever. By extending life, apparently a good thing, we are creating more stress to our system. All these lives must be supported. They consumed energy, space and resources. Can our system take it? The world is dying, as they say. Climate change due to a growing population that only consume and destroy the earth's resources. How many people can the earth sustain before it finds it unbearable anymore? The world will not be able to cope with an incessant increase in population. Man has lengthen the self renewal process of life. And the world is fighting back. Natural disasters are sweeping across the earth to destroy what it cannot afford to sustain. We as a small country, will face the same fate as the earth when we over populate our island and burst at the seams. That is how we will end up if we keep on gourging ourselves. The success and big strides forward will quicken our own demise.


  1. As they say " The road to hell is paved with good intentions".

  2. > That is how mankind will eventually destroy itself. <

    Wah. redbean's in the pulpit preaching like a boy-fucking Pope. ;-)

    > The world is dying, as they say. <

    Who are "they"? Some kind of super-human motherfucker with a super human mind? Fuck "them". Thier shit smells and "they" will get sick and die, like the rest of us.

    If these muthafukas can fortell the future, home come they are not making money on the stock market?

    Horse shitters, lah!

    > Climate change due to a growing population that only consume and destroy the earth's resources. How many people can the earth sustain before it finds it unbearable anymore? The world will not be able to cope with an incessant increase in population. Man has lengthen the self renewal process of life. And the world is fighting back. Natural disasters are sweeping across the earth to destroy what it cannot afford to sustain. <

    A whole lot of bullshit. None of it is true, nor is there ANY irrefutable scientific evidence to back this up.

    Oh yeah, Al Gore is full of shit too—but he is also WRONG.

    As long as there is a (reasonably) FREE MARKET in all human activity, where production and exchange can occur voluntarily, without (too much) interference from the uninvited 3rd party—The State—mankind will continue to prosper and increase his wealth.

    Singapore is in danger of being demolished by too much govt, but ask yourself—where did this govt originate from?

    Being a democratic republic with a Westminster parliamentary system, S'pore's govt evolves out of the zeitgeist of The People. The people have spoken over and over again for over 40 years—they TRUST the PAP to govern, and the PAP is becoming more powerful as a government.

    Ultimately, every cuntry's fate lies in the hands, hearts and minds of her people—and it goes right down to the individual level, and the amount of personal responsibility a specific individual is prepared to take fro his life, liberty, property and his pursuit of "happiness"—in other words the entirety of his life as a human (and most religions say beyond the grave too).

    The way I look at S'pore— it is a goner. The people don't give a fuck—it's so easy to vote the PAP in and DEMAND that they do this that and the other...when a govt is DEMANDED by the people to do this and that, it extracts more taxes, reduces liberty, passes laws and in general interferes with peoples' lives more and more.

    Democracy is a system where the Sheeple get a chance to fuck themselves up more and more.

    And they deserve it.

    In conclusion; the biggest THREAT to mankind is not global warming or resource scarcity—it is the fucking with each others life, liberty property and the pursuit of "happiness" that could eventually demolish the human species.

    As long as humans are free on an individual basis, the species has a chance.

  3. when singapore hits 6m population, we will be what the world is like with a 10 bil population. the first thing we do is to eat up all the fish in the ocean.

    next the crops, the poultry and the meat providers.

    we may even run out of air to breathe.

    over crowding, over population, are going to be a strain on the eco system. it is not just climate warming.

    what did al gore did that is so glorifying? i think i talked more than him here and should deserve a nobel prize as well.

    ok, ok, matilah talked more than me and shall be the first recipient.

    nothing against al gore or princess diana. but what did they really contribute to climate change or the lives of the unfortunate to deserve all the accolades? this is what hypocrisy of the rich and famous is all about.

  4. Since the beginning of human existence, here have been cry baby scaremonger roaming the earth, trying to make peaceful people—who care nothing but minding their own business—feel "guilty" just for being alive and enjoying the MATERIAL THINGS in life—like cars, air travel, flavoured edible panties and manga comix...and everything which is "guilty" of having a "large carbon footprint".

    I say fuck these absolute moralist do-gooders—they lead shallow shitty lives, are generally still unhappy, although almost all of them are RICH compared to the average person. And they certainly have no valid reason to make others "feel guilty", just because they enjoy consumption.

    There is no ecological crisis, no energy crisis, no economic crisis. Yes, human problems are always there to be solved, but as a species we've prevailed and will continue to do so. There is also no tooth fairy, no ghosts, no santa claus, Lee Kuan Yew cannot rise up from his grave, and sorry to kill the hopes of some fruity-nutty people out there—Jesus ain't coming back

    There is however a LIBERTY crisis—because some humans still can't keep their hands to themselves and have to "kacau" other people, as if these peaceful folk were "evil" or something. Fuck that shit lah!

    I intend to make my carbon-footprint BIGGER and BETTER. And the cry babies can cry louder for all I care.

    > we may even run out of air to breathe. <

    Please lah... you diminish your veracity when you make really outrageous statements like that.

  5. we may run out of air to breathe, is a figurative speech, an exaggeration just to make a point lah. just like the cow jumps over the moon.

    hey, it's mumbai lah, india...

    see, it is a figurative speech. not meant to be taken literally. understand?

  6. Communication Rule Number One (stick it on your wall, I charge big bucks for this in real life):

    The MEANING of your communication is in the RESPONSE you get/.

    In other words, it is a poor craftsman who blames his audience when they respond in "unexpected" ways.
