
The gay debate

It must be a very interesting debate in Parliament and many interesting things must have been said about gays and gay rights. I have not been following and could have missed many issues that were discussed. What I would like to know is how big is the number. In the case of mental illnesses, there is a 1 in 6 hit rate. If the gay population is also 1 in 6 then the issue is going to be with us for a long time. Historically, or biologically, human beans are meant to be male or female. The deviant genes that created the 70% or 60% male or female are rare and societies could live with it, either accepting their presence or outcasting them and deport them somewhere. Today, gays seem to be everywhere and getting rid of them or pretending that they don't exist is no longer a solution. The two camps arguing about gay rights did have their valid points. And I think Parliament did make a wise decision under current mindset and acceptable cultural and religious values. As we go down the line, how would the people accept two guys necking and kissing in the train or the bus? How would the public deal with cases of boys being raped by men? The office or public places will become very colourful with men looking like women and vice versa. We might even have to build new toilet facilities for the male, female and either or. Strange that Singapore is now the battle front for gay rights and what we do could set the direction for the movements in the future


  1. I say live and let live. Each to his own. The world is changing and what was not acceptable have become the norm. Those who object to these kind of changes wll not be able to stop these changes. We must respect their views as we have to respect the views of the gay movement, but whether one likes it or not, this "gayness" is going to be a part of life and nothing is going to stop the change.

  2. and what has often become so called norms may still be unacceptable to our society.. including tattooing, promiscuousity or mass scale murder.

  3. I think we are talking of different things here. I would not classify mass scale murder as a norm. Tattooing and wearing rings on different parts of body may be classified as cosmetics, maybe not by anon 2,05, but many these days consider these as acceptable. Each to his own, don't do it yourself if you find it offensive. The gay movement is here to stay whether you want it or not. There is nothing you can do about that.

  4. well, we can't follow everything that the west do. surely our gahmen will not allow us to keep pigs as pets like they do in the west.

  5. just read a figure that 200,000 will be affected. does it mean that there are 200,000 gays in the island? with a pop of 3.8 mil, that is 1:16.

    one in 16 is a gay! and if this is the trend, soon it will be 1 in 2 and the human specie will be endangered.

  6. I think we are talking of different things here. I would not classify mass scale murder as a norm. ... precisely the point, to you mass scale murder and suicide bombings may not be the norm, but to some distant bird brained foreigners it is, as evidenced by the news coverage. thus as much as so called norms are relative to different people, gayness is not the norm to everyone except that distant group of brotherhood. and even if you were to classify gayness as fashionable or acceptable, it is still not the norm to the world at large. so whether you want it or not, whether you like it or not, that will never change.

  7. This post wins the award for the most blatant diplay of ignorance by redbean.

  8. oops matilah's backsides must be itchy again..haha

  9. whenever matilah failed to follow my posts i always give him the benefit of doubt. either he ran out of cash and switched to toddy or the barman switched his drinks to toddy without him knowing : )

  10. There you go speculating again. I merely pointing out your ignorance—whether real or faked—to get "reactions" from people, I don't actually care. I don't run your brain, so you write what you like.

    And I will do the same!
