
The right of might

I wrote about Odex or Odium and whether it will take the same path as NKF and the map provider, winning the first battle but losing the war. Odex has no legal right to sue or ask for compensation. Now what are they going to do with the compensation collected? Likely some would have been paid for legal fees. Now if there is a counter claim, looks like they are going to pay very well, compensation plus compensation plus legal fees. This saga also reflects and confirm the sickness of our society. If you have the money to engage legal assistance, you can threaten those without the means to fight back. And it is cheaper for the poor to pay than to break their bank accounts to fight for justice. What have we become? This is how we have developed into a first world cuntry.


  1. A litigious society is one of the hallmarks of first world countries. It is also how capitalistic societies work. Those with the means will always have the upper hand. You have to take the bad with the good. This is hardly news, red bean. Your blog articles are getting more and more mundane with each passing day.

  2. ya. i need more contributions from you guys. more diverse views.

    i am squeezing very hard, and sometimes shit also comes out : )

  3. Don't sweat la, Red beanee.
    U no need to squeeze so hard la.
    Almost shit comes out—all the time.
    When U spew nonsensical views U claim to be extreme angles.
    When U indulge foul-mouth blogger matilah and shy away from defending yrself in his walloping U.
    When U play hantam bolah against the MSian, now the Koreans, also Americans.

    Mundane blog?! Just like our city of possibilities.

    Same stuff U know come out from where la hor.. No need to elaborate.

  4. i know that there is someone here who enjoy my shit and will stick around no matter what.

    this one is not pah si buay chow. this one is chiat sai oso buay chow : )

  5. are u saying it's matilah singapura?
    maybe he won't know your language. that you're saying he eat shit still won't budge and move his ass off yr blog..
    poor matilah. what a friend you have!

  6. ya. i need more contributions from you guys. more diverse views.

    Are you sure? I have tried. But gotten knocked on me head more times than one here. Who say buay zao? I will zao liao!

  7. i don't know which anonymous is you and which is not. but if the last two posts here are what you posted, i will say, 'heng ah' when you leave this blog : )

    cause you are not discussing but trying to get personal.

  8. Aiya, no point we anonymouses say and say here la.

    Some sensitive bean here will say we are being personal and attacking him here.

    He can jest and jack to "provoke our thinking" as he always claim.

    But when we kajiao back he'll turn soggy and say we walloping him to bean paste..

    So much for bean paste!! ;-)

  9. The Red Bean brand has been built over the last months of delivering a better blog for the people. Despite the occasionally discontentment and anger voiced by the fellow bloggers, there is this long term trust between the bloggers and Red Bean. This bond that is built over so many months is seeing signs of cracks. Once broken, it is going to be difficult to mend.

    The constant criticism against anonymous participation by calling them sh*t-eaters who won't leave despite the stench and now this thing called "this blog is rated PG" to welcome Red Bean's brand of vulgar humor and cohorts, is going to tear away at this trust. The bloggers are having doubts. The bloggers are unhappy that their opinions and feeback are no longer valued or even accepted the way they were before. The trust is eroding away.

    Do not lose this trust or it will be tough to get it back again. We are now witnessing the slide down the slippery road. No matter how good is the intention, unfortunately not many believe in these new changes in Red Bean blog, never meddle with the blogger's life feelings. Never!

  10. hi anonymous,

    in 20 min you have posted 7 times, by copy and paste.

    i have been observing your posts and intention all these while. as a host, i always refrain from attacking my guests here. you are the only one that i have to expose and put down because you are not here to share but to disrupt the blog.

    you are very pathetic actually. i come in to post at my free time or when i am bored. you are here to work, to disrupt people's blog, and being paid a pittance for doing something that is unethical and an insult to your parents for spending all the money to put you to school.

    think about it. is it worth the few dollars you are getting to sell your soul and dignity as a decent man to do something so distasteful and disgraceful?

  11. Aiya, no point we anonymouses say and say here la.
    Some sensitive bean here will say we are being personal and attacking him here.
    He can jest and jack to "provoke our thinking" as he always claim.
    But when we kajiao back he'll turn soggy and say we walloping him to bean paste..
    So much for bean paste!! ;-)

    Come on, let's be kind to our chief blogger. What more can we expect from a bean? Expect too much and we will be disappointed. Gahmen or blog or bean here all the same. Can't we see the blog articles here are getting more mundane and monotonous?

  12. Some of you motherfuckers have far too much time on your hands. And how kapoh can you get? You girly motherfuckers :-)

    I am so touched some faceless, nameless anonymous(es) make the effort to discuss aspects about me.

    Fuck, I'm so moved... is this part of the "bonding" process.

    But I do tend to agree with at least one anonymous:

    redbean, you need to lift your game. For example, instead of asking who would be defending the "defenceless" like children and the elderly, et al, you could make the content more "compelling" by arguing WHY it is IMPORTANT that people like kids and the elderly need to be "defended", and against what precisely. Taking shots at "selfishness" and 'greed" get a bit tiresome—to some extent EVERYONE is selfish and greedy because:

    1. They are MORTAL

    2. They only have a LIMITED amount of time—on a day to day basis it's only 24 hours, about half of that is automatically swallowed up by sleeping, commuting, eating and shitting.

    That leaves only 12 hours for fucking and other productive activities. Therefore you can understand why people get IMPATIENT. Impatience, selfishness and greed sort of come together.

    Anyway redbean, its just a suggestion.

  13. Shit!! Someone posted ahead of me! Hey bloggers, don't quarrel! This is our citrizen place online to voice out. At least share your views, or in the least let some steam out. But pls no need to cross one another. here or offline. I hope I can make some peace. We are not getting them in Singapoo now, so don't make this another warzone.


  14. i know that some are here deliberately taunting one another to turn this blog into a war zone for personal vibes.

    i thought matilah was doing very well by keeping quiet and ignoring them. the best thing to do is to ignore the taunting and chat on issues.

