
Rank Country/territory Life expectancy at birth (years) Overall Male Female World average 67.2 65.0 69.5 1 Japan 82.6 79.0 86.1 2 Hong Kong (PRC) 82.2 79.4 85.1 3 Iceland 81.8 80.2 83.3 4 Switzerland 81.7 79.0 84.2 5 Australia 81.2 78.9 83.6 6 Spain 80.9 77.7 84.2 7 Sweden 80.9 78.7 83.0 8 Israel 80.7 78.5 82.8 9 Macau (PRC) 80.7 78.5 82.8 10 France (metropolitan) 80.7 77.1 84.1 11 Canada 80.7 78.3 82.9 12 Italy 80.5 77.5 83.5 13 New Zealand 80.2 78.2 82.2 14 Norway 80.2 77.8 82.5 15 Singapore 80.0 78.0 81.9 16 Austria 79.8 76.9 82.6 17 Netherlands 79.8 77.5 81.9 18 Martinique 79.5 76.5 82.3 19 Greece 79.5 77.1 81.9 20 Belgium 79.4 76.5 82.3 The above figures show that life expectancy is at best about 85. But we must be proactive and prepare to live till 95 or 100. So we must prepare our people now, and keep their money before they squander them away. And with our world class health and medical care system, Singaporeans will outlive all the the people in the world soon. 50% of those who are 62 now will live to 85. That is a Singaporean fact. They are more or less guaranteed to benefit from the annuity scheme.


  1. i wonder how many people died between 55 to 85 yrs of age vs those who live beyond this in the last 5 or 10 yrs.

  2. swee say said those who are 62 now 50% will live to 85 and beyond. he did not say how many will die before reaching 62. neither did he say how many will die within 5 years from 85.

    neither did he say how many who are 85 and above need help.

  3. Those ministers of past who died, since Dr Wee Kim Wee.. What are their ages? How many are in tehir late 70s to 80s?


  4. May you all die young. So you won't need to worry a shit about that cpf tax horseshit!

    Oh no, am I being logged out again? Fuck this!


  5. WOW REDBEAN! Man, can you believe this?

    Someone has attempted to "impersonate" me! Damn he was so good, I myself almost got fooled!

    Anyway, it is TOUCHING to receive this kind of attention from anonymous people. Complete strangers who are so moved by your presence on the net, so much so that they are motivated to acknowledge you.

    Redbean, I'm a star!

  6. You are a star?

    Cum again.

  7. of course you are a star. your fans have been following every post of yours, even every other blog and forum you visited.

    it is about time you set up a booth to sign autographs man.
