
Losing the people's trust

The PAP brand has been built over the last 40 years of delivering a better life for the people. Despite the occasionally discontentment and anger voiced by the people, there is this long term trust between the people and PAP. This bond that is built over so many years is seeing signs of cracks. Once broken, it is going to be difficult to mend. The constant pushing back of the CPF withdrawal age and now this thing called compulsory annuity, is going to tear away at this trust. The people are having doubts. The people are unhappy that their money is no longer their money to spend the way they want. The trust is eroding away. Do not lose this trust or it will be tough to get it back again. We are now witnessing the slide down the slippery road. No matter how good is the intention, unfortunately not many believe in these new changes, never meddle with the people's life saving. Never!


  1. That the people's trust may be eroding is true, but the PAP knows Singaporeans through and through. They still have total control over the people's lives despite what unhappinness they may generate over certain policies. Come election time, a little bit of sweetness and a little bit of fright will do the job.

  2. you are right. everything will be alright and the story will be repeated over and over again.

  3. Red Bean talking through his arse again, as usual. If you so confident that PAP will lose the trust of Singaporeans, why don;t you wager your entire fortune that they will lose the next elections. See you got balls or not ?

  4. The PAP govt had spoonfeed the citizens to the extent that that most are not bothered with Politics anymore.

    However, PAP are losing quite a bit of support from the younger generations who did not went through the tough period like their parents and grandparents.

    If not addressed properly, the political climate will change quite quickly.

  5. It all boils down to a lack of choice. The trust that was lost has nowhere else to go, so it ends up back with the PAP. No right thinking Singaporean will want to place his trust with a bunch of rag tag misfits the likes of CSJ, JBJ, CST. Elementary, my dear Watson.

  6. that's true. there is no reasonable alternative available. so the design gets simpler. one day it will become a vote for 'all in' or 'all out' option.

    then accident will happen.

  7. Why is there no viable alternative available? Why do most other countries have such strong opposition parties? Is our situation the result of our people not being bothered about politics or are afraid to face the consequences of going into politics? Did we end up in this situation by choice or by design?

    Most political parties have to start off with rag-tag misfits. Even the PAP started off with barbers, hawkers etc. Not all are well educated.

    Think about it.

  8. The Red Bean brand has been built over the last months of delivering a better blog for the people. Despite the occasionally discontentment and anger voiced by the fellow bloggers, there is this long term trust between the bloggers and Red Bean. This bond that is built over so many months is seeing signs of cracks. Once broken, it is going to be difficult to mend.

    The constant criticism against anonymous participation by calling them sh*t-eaters who won't leave despite the stench and now this thing called "this blog is rated PG" to welcome Red Bean's brand of vulgar humor and cohorts, is going to tear away at this trust. The bloggers are having doubts. The bloggers are unhappy that their opinions and feeback are no longer valued or even accepted the way they were before. The trust is eroding away.

    Do not lose this trust or it will be tough to get it back again. We are now witnessing the slide down the slippery road. No matter how good is the intention, unfortunately not many believe in these new changes in Red Bean blog, never meddle with the blogger's life feelings. Never!
