
Fascist thinking comes under the spot light

Thomas Koshy wrote a letter to ST highlighting the risk of a well meaning govt deciding to take away more money from the CPF because it thinks it is good for the people. If we do not question this and address it now, we will lose our CPF money in no time. We must stop this brazen thinking of deciding how to use our CPF money against our will. It is our money. It is not just a CPF fund.


  1. > We must stop this brazen thinking of deciding how to use our CPF money against our will. <

    You can't stop it. It is not your money— you are forced to pay it, and you have no control over it.

    Get over it and move on.

    CPF was never designed to work anyway. This is an opportunity for people to learn important lessons.

    > It is our money. <

    Prove it.

    Pull out a large sum of "your money" from "your" CPF account and use it however you choose.

    Can you do it?

    I didn't think so.

    So therefore, that money is not YOURS.

  2. Matilah is absolutely right. CPF is a forced contribution. You pay into it whether you like it or not. You have no choice. However, you cannot choose to use the money when you want it, how you want it or even when you are in desperate need. Therefore by that reckoning the money is NOT YOURS.

    Redbean, please stop this whinging and get on with it. Enough of this nonsense ad move on.

  3. no,no. singaporeans must never stop to kpkb on the money. the moment they give up, the money will be gone forever.

    and singaporeans are not really that stupid. this could be the straw that will break the camel's back.

    for many of the lower wage earner, there is really nothing for them to take back or to look forward to. they will wake up soon to this brutal truth.

  4. Govt should make a stand abt whether the cpf is really your money or not.

    Becos if it is, then you and only you should decide whether to give it away or buy annuities etc.

    Govt must be fair to everyone, especially with this huge sum of money...

    Now is this your money,
    or is it not?

  5. > Govt should make a stand abt whether the cpf is really your money or not. <

    With people like you, we are in deep shit.

    Oi, wake the fuck up lah.

    If it is YOUR money, then it is YOU who must make the stand.

    You keep asking the govt to do this and do that... and that is the root of the problem of too much govt control: people asking the govt to "help" because the people aren't willing to do anything in the first place.

    Wake the fuck up, or get the fuck out of Singapore lah.

  6. uncle you just came back from geylang is it?

  7. There she blows!

  8. It is our money.
    It is not just a CPF fund.

    Yes I agree. You guys have made your stand.

    So far the government did not state that the cpf IS NOT our money.

    And they should do so, to quell any lingering doubts or confusion abt that damn thing. Happy now bakpo?

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. anonymous asswipe 501 wrote:

    > So far the government did not state that the cpf IS NOT our money. <

    Another example of a dumb fool waiting for the govt to define what is what.

    Matilah Singapura!

  11. hahaha

    An example of a clown follows....

    About Me
    • Pope, Church Of Satan, High Priest of The Order of Disorderly Wankers. Retired Amateur Gynaecologist and Retired Porn Star. Lover of Thai food, Thai women and Thai combat arts. • Currently: The Author of The Bible Ver. 2.0 — a bugfix upgrade. • Schtick: At all times, mistrust ALL human authority, except that of your own mind — and leave a little room for doubt. **The People Get The Government They Deserve!**

    Porno good music strong alcohol morally loose...but anatomically tight women who dig being sodomized degraded and subservient to my every whim.

  12. Whilst obviously enamored by Matilah's persona, anon 1255 cut 'n pasted, from my blog:

    > Matilah_Singapura
    About Me
    • Pope, Church Of Satan, <
    blah blah blah

    Are you trying to carry my balls, in order to get something from me—like a job, or a tip (gratuity)?

    ... or do you aspire to acquire some of my sterling qualities, like compassion, self-control and good manners, for example?

    Anyway, thanks for the free advertising.
