
1 in 6 mentally ill

This is what is happening. Does that answer your concern? Think very carefully...1 in every 6 Singaporeans is mentally sick. This is what is reported in the msm, that 'if Singapore follows the trend in other developed countries, the numbers are set to go up....Citing previous studies, Assoc Prof Chong Siow Ann of the Institute of Mental Health said that between 16 and 18 per cent of people here have some form of mental health problem.' And I was having lunch, sitting in a table of 6, and I can believe one of them is sick. I suddenly got worried when I think of Parliament. For the ordinary people, just make sure that you are not diagnosed as mentally ill and be sent to IMH. We need to build not only hospices, but more IMH.


  1. That's why they need a 'minister mental'

  2. At the contest in one of the toastmaster clubs yesterday, the speaker asked, "How many of you are truly happy? Only 3 hands shot up in the roomful of about 30 people. I was one of them.

    People must learn to take one day at a time, and live each day to the fullest! We must take joy and pleasures in simple things, and above all, to have faith that the Creator did not create us, beautiful homo sapiens, to rot on this earth. The earth can be a "garden of Eden" or a "forest of Hell". We decide.

  3. hi orientalexpress,

    people find their own happiness or just being numb to the surroundings, and that can make their lives more liveable.

    for those who are able, they should enjoy pursuing their dreams. for those who are less able, it is better to live in their dreams.

    be realistic. not everyone is endowed the same way or inherit the same good fortune.

  4. When i read that report, I felt happy that there are more madman brethen out there in singapore. LOL

  5. Let me see:

    I in 6 mentally ill. That's about 700k mental cases in Singapore. Are we no. 1 again?

  6. hi abao and matilah and the rest of the mental club, it sure feels good to have so many for company.

    but we are not number one yet though we may climb up the ladder. the usa has 24 to 100 or 1:4 man! every one in a table of 4.

    now you know why bush becomes the president : )

  7. No wonder. I think Bush is also one of the nut case. Pronouncing 'Mission Accomplished' when he has not even started. Cheney is another psychopath. Saying the situation in Iraq was 'in the last throes' years ago when the war was getting worse.

  8. talking a about cheney, he went deer hunting but shot his dear friend.

  9. Any wonder this blog has lost ALL hope!? @#$%^&!@#$%^&*()OP{POIUDFGHJKL:"_{)(*&#$%^&*()
